Friday, March 28, 2025

Recent Integrations - Mark Hamilton's Level 1 Meeting


A lot of work and brains and drive to head in the direction that in best.  [Read more...]

Bouncing Back

I have been in and out of hospital visits and dealing with breast cancer with my wife. I witnessed what can happen to you when you are not fully committed to changing your life and your health. I am a military veteran who struggles with PTSD and diabetes. It is really hard for me to try and stay focus on this. I am still reading my first book and my... [Read more...]


For the first time I am excited to begin the Introduction and especially the workshops. Knowing myself, it will be a challenge for me. I expect it to get easier with time. I will need an A-Team to join with. I am living in SC near North Myrtle beach. Also, we may have to set up a Clubhouse. There are no clubhouses that I am aware of in SC, NC, only... [Read more...]

Level Five - Keys To The Kingdom

So great to see this valuable message again in the new light of a new dawning day of expansion into the C of U! Always good to review, having come full circle to arrive on a better time loop to manifest Mark and Dr. Wallace’s visions and dreams in today’s time and dystopian reality. Watching Mark’s enthusiasm and sincerity really bring... [Read more...]

Integration for Level 5 Meeting

Wow, I just spent four hours listening to the Level 5 meetings and was astounded by the information contained within all of the parts since it presented in so many different manners that it was like a super puzzle that the reader snapped together. The separation of the application system which is Mark Hamilton’s essence and literature from the... [Read more...]

Level 05 Meeting was wonderful!

Hi Mr. Hamilton, You covered a lot in the Level 5 Meeting. It is exciting to learn in the Wrap Up that a lot you outlined (or mentioned will be happening soon during this meeting) is already in place, happening. Seeing what you were envisioning back when you made the videos for this meeting, plus now having it happen has gifted me much hope for it means... [Read more...]


Very full of useful info. I am in a very unpopulated area. The meetings keep answering the direction that we keep integrating for. Tricky. lol Thanks and look forward to the next meetings!!  [Read more...]


I like how the twelve visions world can be used to help the world. I learned a lot about many things. I actually only remember a few things about the meetings. I like reading the books by Mark Hamilton.  [Read more...]

Level 5 Integrations

There was a lot of information, it took a bit to get through it – I understand the various parts quite a bit better now. I need to find time to do the reading etc.  [Read more...]

No Title

I have listened to Level 5 three times I think this is a very large plan that sounds wonderful, the ideas are solid for decent, honest, people. I know I will find my place where I can be of value. Right now I have nothing to add, but this project resonates doable.  [Read more...]

Welcome to Your Level 5 Meeting Integrations.

Hi! My name is Sue.

I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

I am here to assist you with any questions you may have during this level of your journey with Mark Hamilton.

Look for my comments below your Integration in the "Speak with Your Mentor" Section of the page.

Thank you,