2015 and Neo Think
January 1, 2015 by Donald Jenkins
Filed under Integrations
Well, going into 2015, I really feel stronger in myself, I actually know my FNE something that has always been my heart, but not knowing the true lite of it is a waste. But now that I know, thanks to Neo Think. This is the best I have ever went into a New Year.
This meeting was informing, I liked the talk on the political and Stimulation, I am also on the side of a non political approach, because it’s a killer of attention, the last thing you want to do is capture the attention of some one or a group, then throw them for a loop with political talk, stimulation is best, until you can see where an individuals mind is. Throw a question at them that’s political but at the same time it’s a broad topic, that almost all people will comment on.
Then from there you will know if you can gradually start talking with this person on politically issue, but when you do, start it off, but let them do the talking, just listen to them and ask questions, to keep them going. What do you really think of religion? What are your thoughts on Jesus? Our government what do you think. Such questions.
The word envy is a powerful spirit, this is destructive, by all means, separation is your only choice in my mind.
I will be moving a little closer to the Neo Think, My first thing this year is to find the closes Club house in Texas to Beaumont.
I thank the Neo Think a lot for my position in life right now, I see only improvement and no way to be stopped. Power Thinking, because where there is a Will, there is a way.