Saturday, March 15, 2025

amazing level 5 meeting

January 27, 2014 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

The level 5 meeting was a long one, but much needed for me to review the last 4 meetings all at once. Had to take a break as I needed to refresh and recap the first part. The subject of negativity was a problem I had but not now as I will refer back to the secret teachings book if I start to think negative. The reading on the level I am on puts me back on track on Neothink and Mr.Hamilton. I remind myself Mr. Hamilton is spending alot time and money for me to learn this lessons. So learn! I have a son and daughter living in Benson close by. The son is slowly bringing the daughter over to Neothink. I heard a conversation between them intergrating numbers in their lives and how it was effecting them. My main interest in the meeting was the TVP as I have decided to join the party. I am fortunate to have a great human being for a mentor here in Arizona, Mr. Bill Kyle. I have registered for the classes in Feb. with Mr Tom C. for VP and intent to help Mr. Kyle in the party on whatever needs to be done to elect our candidates. Great to hear heirloom books come in Spanish as I live close to the border. GREAT MEETING Mr. Hamilton I learn and enjoy my level meetings with you as I am grateful and proud to be a Neothink Member! Rosa Lerblance

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6 Responses to “amazing level 5 meeting”
  1. rosa lerblance says:

    mentor, I apologize for not connecting with you last night. As you know my meeting with Mr. Hamilton was a long one so I had to get away from the computer to let the meeting set in my brain. I tripped a few days ago and pulled a muscle in my right shoulder. I am right handed! It’s been dificult to use the computer. Anyways, I liked what Mr. Hamilton said about gossip and envy. I was impressed with Mr. Hamilton AGAIN as he made it a point to indicate he will not tolerate that. He did say he didn’t see a problem with envy and gossip in Neothink which is good to know. Have a great week and enjoy your day!

  2. rosa lerblance says:

    Mentor, I forgot to mention in my earlier message to you that after the long meeting with Mr. Hamilton I tried to listen to the post-message with Steve Fagan and Ryan Williams and it froze and it still is, so I didn’t get to listen to their conversation. If at all possible I would like to listen to what they had to say. I have been checking the web-site constantly so see if it’s working.
    Thanks, Rosa Lerblance

  3. rosa lerblance says:

    Mentor, I finally listened to the post message with Steve Fagan and Ryan Williams. It’s important I know now to listen to the after level meeting messages with the mentors as they are very knowlegeable in the subjects they talk about. I going to get away from the computer for the rest of the day as I am starting to get a slight headache on my left temple. I have 2 meetings tonight that I have to attend as I can’t ask questions on recordings. I had another headache on my left temple last night so I didn’t attend the meeting with Jill Reed and John Smrek. Have a great day! Thanks, Rosa Lerblance

  4. rosa lerblance says:

    Mentor, Forgot to mention I listened to the meeting I missed last night with Jill Reed this morning on the recording, Very good meeting I liked their tone and patience in their voices. Thanks again, Have a great day! Rosa L.

  5. rosa lerblance says:

    Mentor, I need to let you know after the level 5 meeting I started feeling a lttle different mentally. I feel like I absorbed mentally the information Mr. Hamilton was talking about. My mind is very alert. I was talking to my husband about a business we are thinking about starting. We saw a video about it. I was looking,listening and writing all at once. I memorized the words he was saying. Mr.Hamilton did tell me that Neothink would improve all areas of my life. He truly is a very intelligent and amazing human being. It looks like promies he made to me when I first started Nothink are unfolding before my eyes. Level 5 meeting was a long meeting but very worth while for me. I hope Mr. Hamilton doesn’t give up on me as I intend to go to the c of u dragging my kids and grandkids behind me. Also next Thursday I will be babysiting my 6 grandkids. Three will stay with us, the other three will come daughter will be going to Vegas for her anniversary and my son has to work the weekend, he works two jobs one is graveyard. I will not listen to the calls starting Thurs. evening but will listen to the recordngs after the weekend. I feel very lucky Mr.Hamilton allowed me in the SOS. It has changed my life for the better. Want to wish you a great weekend with your family! Thanks Rosa Lerblance

  6. rosa lerblance says:

    Mentor, After my level meeting with Mr. Hamilton, I had a senior moment. All my life I’ve had problems communicating with people and apologzing for whatever I do wrong. My dear friend has been, being anti-soical! Mr.Kyle and Miss Elaine have both mentored me about apologzing so much. I grew up in a horrible abusive home with alot of tragedy, dysfunctional up-bringing. Kids were seen and not heard. I had an emotional breakdown; my past abuse and my financial problem with Neothink. I e-mailed Mr Kyle and Miss Elaine of my decision to leave Neothink. They were not very happy. I heard a recording on Sunday a.m. call. Jonathan did a reading on David L. Hunter’s book. Listening to the recording I realized Mr. Jonathan was talking to me. How was I ever going to pay Mr. Hamilton back for the time and money he has spent on me. So I am back!!! Neothink has helped me to cope with my past more then anyone will ever know. I hope Mr. Hamilton has seen my messages that I have put on the websites. This child abuse victim has conquered her horrible past because of his knowledge. I’m not afraid to talk, smile, laugh, play and most of all say I love you to people. The child within me has come out and she likes to talk, smile, laugh, play and most of all I totally enjoy saying I love you. Neothink is the best thing for any child abuse victim. It let me know that it’s ok to be myself no matter what I’ve gone thru because it was’t my fault. I except it. Neothink has taught me to be happy with myself and to live life to the fullest. I’m grateful Mr. Hamilton chose me to be in the c of u. All the mentors are great examples for me to follow. I love each and everyone of you. Thank you for allowing me to express myself. Rosa Lerblance

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I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

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