Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Bringing Them In

April 10, 2015 by Gregory Klatt  
Filed under Integrations

This meeting had highlights, one in particular concerning an insight on the “Prime Law.” I’ll start the integration that will lead to that. The meeting showed how Iron Grip Control and getting down to the nitty gritty details is needed in order to make this movement work and there’s no margin for error. Bringing up politics and religion is a sensitive subject anyway. Although I have a page with sub-pages with religion in the subject, in my website, I’m extremely careful with being neutral but still making a point that the Prime Law can reinforce the Ten Commandments and vice-versa so it won’t be misinterpreted. The Ten Commandments gives specifics just as the Constitution gives specifics and the Prime Law is the reinforcement.
Now, while the Prime Law is absolutely flawless, about a month ago I come to realize something disturbing. When it comes to “Coercion” and “Fraud”, even when the definitions are sought out in a dictionary, much of the general public’s innocent lack of knowledge of it, in the many aspects of life, would misinterpret the Prime Law. With the socialism going on, some levels of fraud and coercion is not considered that at all. With the refresher of these meetings, this one helped me to realize the importance of clubhouses and bringing the people into the society when it comes to this issue in particular. Otherwise, even the Prime Law can be innocently misinterpreted as explained above.

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Hi! My name is Sue.

I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

I am here to assist you with any questions you may have during this level of your journey with Mark Hamilton.

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