Level 5 Integration
November 16, 2013 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Because of my prior experience with network marketing, MLM, etc., the format / concept turns me off a bit. And, like the apprentice you used as an example, I’m not attracted to “selling”, per se. The idea that this could be more a “pleasent, social event” approach eases some anxiety. I’m not convinced, yet, that […]
somebody must do something mylevel05 integration
November 3, 2013 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
somebody must do something mylevel05 integration 1 the use of multi level marketing Amway style techniques to indoctrinate the world populous into an Aristotle like Neothinking system may well be noble and good and i even support it. i support it because as the saying goes somebody must do something. this can work. 2 i […]
Level 5
October 25, 2013 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Just Wanna Say Thanks For The Teaching And Knowledge , Ive Never Learned This Before And Glad You Makin Me See Me For What I Really Am … Thanks Again
missing pieces
October 21, 2013 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Many questions…first, your overall plan for launching the 12 visions party, it’s separation from SOS meetings seems clear enough although, people will start asking questions about politics. Not wise to blow them off…no good to get carried away with that discussion. Need help finding that fine line… Second, I contacted a local clubhouse, got nowhere! […]
#5 a team
October 18, 2013 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
I have started my own A team. I have went to the OK state department and then on to the state election board and have called the local county board. We would need about 50 to 61,000 names signed to get our name on the balllot here with 15 per page. No electronic signatures allowed, […]
SOS Intergration with 12-Vision Party
October 4, 2013 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Hello Mark, the 5th meeting was excellent! The carnal desires of men and women are truly a force we all must overcome and control to achieve the Neo-Tech 12-Vision Party World we so deserve to live in. The ant civilization world we live in will not be nullified without the people changing from their existing […]
Level 5
September 29, 2013 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
I finally finished this level and see that it is a big opportunity and I need to contact and visit a clubhouse (Indianapolis) as soon as I can. Being a truck driver limits me from just doing things as I’m always on a route to suppliers. But I will call and talk to them and […]
Going Public
September 18, 2013 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Its a challenge willing by the creation since Adam, and its the last chance for humanity to be happy. Yes we did it!
Level 5 intergration
September 18, 2013 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Mark, I enjoyed this meeting; but as you warned it was really long. I have 1 main question? How do I get my adult kids started? $30 for website was mentioned; but they need access or copies of their own Heirloom packages. Thanks for your many insights, Clifford ( Cliff) W.
August 27, 2013 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
thats a lot of info in one setting but in a good way im going to watch this at least 2 more times and thank you for finding me