Wednesday, March 12, 2025

No Title

May 15, 2019 by Shirley Carr  
Filed under Integrations

I have listened to Level 5 three times I think this is a very large plan that sounds wonderful, the ideas are solid for decent, honest, people. I know I will find my place where I can be of value. Right now I have nothing to add, but this project resonates doable.

Level 5meeting

February 18, 2019 by Dick  
Filed under Integrations

I have completed listening to all sections of the Level #5 meetings and I continue to be stimulated by the content and direction of the society to the future regarding both the business possibilities and the 12 visions party. I take comfort that I have read enough from the literature that I understand what Mark […]

Level 5 Integrations

October 27, 2018 by Ellen  
Filed under Integrations

This long, informative meeting is so full of information. I will look at it a third time. I found myself pausing and taking time to write down notes. I still need to watch it again. As I am growing and learning more all the time, I see the puzzle pieces coming together slowly. I learned […]

Secretary of State

October 3, 2018 by Daisy  
Filed under Integrations

HI, Mr. Hamilton, I did contact the Secretary of State. They had no idea of what am asking them the person I was talking to said That I should contact F E C-the Federal Election Committee he says I should start there because it’s not something that they can handle.

level 5 essence meeting

September 22, 2018 by Robert  
Filed under Integrations

Lots of information . looking forward to help bring to the public NeoThink and TVP. About the A-team I have been trying to find other Neothinkers in Louisiana and Have talk to Grant but he is not interested in being on an A-team. What else can I do that will get and a-team started in […]

Level 5meeting

September 16, 2018 by Robert  
Filed under Integrations

Lots of informations. I have been thru the clubhouse Boot Camp and have been trying to get names of Newthink Members in Louisiana and have ong got Grants info. He does not want to be involve in a Clubhouse . So I would help locating other members of Neothink to contact for a prospect for […]

Level 5 Integrations

September 8, 2018 by Ellen  
Filed under Integrations

This is my first time watching Level 5. I have learned a lot and I fell that I understand more about the Society and the 12 Visions Party. I d not have any questions this time. I want to watch it a couple more times in order to absorb more and then have questions that […]

Filing in the pieces

July 22, 2018 by John  
Filed under Integrations

Although I’m struggling right along with the rest of America to make a living and put the proper pieces in place to continue moving forward with my business I can see that it is of the essence to push forward as hard as we can with the political movement of the SOS! Looking forward to […]

Overwelmed yet confused

July 5, 2018 by Mike Sellden  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Mark Hamilton,this meeting was very interesting.However, I am a little confused, in this meeting you talked about how us as apprentices should be involved in clubhouses and so on. I did talk to Steve Fagan and he gaveme a name to call,the person Italk to said there was no clubhouse in my area. So […]

CEO-The Parker Group

June 24, 2018 by Jefferson  
Filed under Integrations

I am helping present workshops at my local Clubhouse.I strive to make my workshop presentations stimulating by focusing on how I founded and continually build a thriving,growing business based on Neothink.

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Welcome to Your Level 5 Meeting Integrations.

Hi! My name is Sue.

I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

I am here to assist you with any questions you may have during this level of your journey with Mark Hamilton.

Look for my comments below your Integration in the "Speak with Your Mentor" Section of the page.

Thank you,