Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Level 5 Intergrations

February 23, 2012 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Level 5 was very informative. it gave me a much better understanding of the big picture. before level 5 I never understood the purpose of the 3 different meetings, the purpose of the A team, and the 12 vision program…I feel much better& informed now.Very Much Appreciated …Joie Buell Sr.

Level 5 Meeting

February 18, 2012 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Mark, I have to say that this meeting has came to me at a great time in my life. I will be 32 this Feb. I have went back to school, My degree is Business Administration E-Commence. The Corporation that I`m biulding,is being put together as this email is being send. I feel a very […]

Level 5

February 15, 2012 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

I think you are doing a great job in telling me what is happening. Being a seniior citizen and living in the country I don’t get the chance to go to secret meeting. But I am learning thru you. I an looking forward to hearing more about the 12 step program that is coming down […]

Level 5 Comment

February 14, 2012 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Powerful videos on the 12 visions party! Can’t wait to get a 12 visions party member in the white house!

Level 5 Integration

January 29, 2012 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Mark. Thank you for a very informative session. The TVP Platform content and concept are very intriguing. Its intended effect as a phantom punch is very sleek, I must say. I cannot wait to have it in my hands. How do I actually get it?

L5 Integration

January 29, 2012 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

WOW! To see happening what I have read about in the three heirloom packages and Pax NT is exciting, to say the least. After listening to all this, this is where I feel the “left behind” feeling Mark cautioned us about during an earlier level. I am not sure what else to say other than […]


January 21, 2012 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

This level was so highlited the about the captivity of this anti-civilization world,whereby we can understand and valued the creation of our existence and free from slavery.The twelve vision party also accelerated my wish,developed my vision by given me a pumping heart ahead of future .

L-5 Intergrations

January 20, 2012 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

level-5 proved to be the most interesting yet! The deeper you go the better it gets. Which is good in most cases the deeper you dig the darker it gets! Not true with NEOTHINK!! I tend to believe that the big problem we will have with the media as we go more public our goals […]


January 16, 2012 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

My FNE has me writing as a precursor to inform or create also a unique system of networks leading to an ultimate goal. Writing is a form of teaching, direction, and leading and when the information augments the reader fully, entertaining the bicameral as well as the super. This is really happening. you guys are […]

Level 5 Integrations

January 16, 2012 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Dear Mark & Sue, After reviewing the level 5 meeting I am begining to really the bigger picture. I look forward to next months meeting and will spend more time on the web site to get a better handle on all that is going on. I really wish I had more time to review all […]

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Welcome to Your Level 5 Meeting Integrations.

Hi! My name is Sue.

I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

I am here to assist you with any questions you may have during this level of your journey with Mark Hamilton.

Look for my comments below your Integration in the "Speak with Your Mentor" Section of the page.

Thank you,