some questions
December 15, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
just out of curiosity, why are there 12 visions? why not 9 or 5, or 16 or 104 or some other number? is there a particular reason for having 12? also, since the campaign to bring in new members is based on stimulation of animal instincts that are oriented around basic survival and not on […]
level 6
December 10, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
I listened to level 6.
November 29, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
I’m looking forward to hearing what changes have been made since these meetings were recorded. Still trying to get plugged into the whole web page.
level 5 integration meeting
November 28, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
I see that having an ego is like being on a power trip,self-centered glory.This new knowledge created a major paradigm shift for me.My family and friends will be talking about life and all of a sudden i’m answering all of their questions and before I can finish answering the question they get so excited they […]
10:00pm, Tuesday, The 22nd of November 2011
November 23, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Hi Mark,wow! I really like the Level 5 presention.I am ready to start the A-Team,The Clubhouse Meetings, The Twelve Visions Party here in Leoma, Tn.Being retired I can devote 95% of my time to the A-Team and The TVP. I want To see the TVP canidates on the Ballets in 2012 here in Tn.If there […]
November 14, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Mark I have spent much time in thought over the levels 5 meeting. I have played it over a couple of times in full and in part. I have decided that I’m not able to judge your work. You have made your plan and I’m not able reflect through your experances or past to understand […]
Great Level 5 meeting.
November 13, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Thanks Mark. This was an important and powerful meeting. I see a better world coming soon. with my help and the rest of the Neothink family coming together to help others become the person he or she was mint to be. I’m very happy and proud of being a member of this society and would […]
Me and Level Five
November 7, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
As a writer and maker of poems, plays,novels, and essays, it is my desire to use those art forms to advance public awareness of the currently unacceptable human condition and the imperative need to make changes which will bring about the world everyone has really hoped for and desired from childhood on. Perhaps, in conjunction […]
Thanks Mark
November 7, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Being among others that have completed all 12 levels several years ago and then had to break away for awhile, I am getting more out of the levels than I did the first time. Currently working at getting a clubhouse started in the St. Cloud, MN area as well as a TVP Party. Need to […]
level 5
November 6, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Mark Hamilton is awesome! The TVP will become a reality I believe in 2012. I plan to vote for Jill Reed/Tom Cary when they run for president. The A-teams are a good way to help a lot of people get to thinking together, I been to a few of the meetings in the past. I […]