Level 5- Revisited
September 15, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Good afternoon Mr. Hamilton, As per your advice, I revisit my meeting levels in order to make sure I get the most I can from each meeting. This time was no different. I observed the care and meticulous effort you put into answering each question. I am most proud yet humbled to be a part […]
Level 5
September 5, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
I’m excited about the intro meetings. I can’t wait for them. Even though I’m a newbe with this just listening to you Mark brings out great joy in me.I’m also waiting to here from people in my area for clubhouse meetings. Can’t wait.
Material wealth now
August 21, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Insight into the future now. This has been an enjoyable journey and well thought out,by mr.Hamilton. However,I know the political platform will work for the mass of the people, but what about the poor people who cannot afford food even now and have very little education? How will they be able to afford such high […]
August 10, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Hi Mark, Thanks for the wisdom and teachings, helped me see things some what clearer. Still alittle stage fright, but nothing that a couple of times and I’m sure a couple of trial and errors won’t cure, LOL,LOL,LOL…I’m pumped right tight I had started a ministry a couple years ago and where I hold services, […]
August 2, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
As a current entrepreneur I have applied the Self/Company/and World Capture discovery to my business and realized alot of these concepts have been at work in my organization for quite some time. I would love to help aspiring entreprenuers and business men build thriving organiztions through the workshops and club houses but would first like […]
Lots of good information.
August 2, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Lots of good information. This piece of the puzzle talks a lot about the political component. Does Neothink plan on and when, becoming a major political force in the near future? If so, will it be from a grassroots level or will it use its economic force to burst onto the scene? Also, how do […]
Long time NT owner with many questions
July 16, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
First time here at this site. I may not be in the right section, but here goes nevertheless. I am a long time literature owner since 1993. I have the Zonpower Discovery with the 114 Advantages followed by others like: Cosmic Business Control, Global Business Empire, A Future of Wealth Belongs to You, Hot Tips, […]
A World to Hope for
July 4, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
I have long been a student of the circumstances and the mindset of this nation’s founders. Oftentimes, I have wondered at the problems they faced and the challenges they had to overcome. Now, in this modern age, when we are confronted by the same type of disinterested, self-serving elitist “leader” who are intent only on […]
Prime Law
June 25, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Thanks for the information in pointing out that negative thinking is a survival trait. I also gain an insight on how you stay so positive. I was able to see now how you stay focus on your vision. I will now also practice on staying focus on the vision.
Re Level5 Meeting
June 22, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
this meeting has been very educational and full of information, Part 3 is of most to me as I am really interested in the Twelve Vision Party and the future which can evolve when The TVP really becomes a true reality I think the idea on which the TVP is to function THE PRIME LAW […]