Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Level 5

June 18, 2011 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Alot of information to take it. Wonderful stuff. I am so happy that we will have another political party for the parasitical elite to content with. It’s about time. I will focus on products/inventions to market. That will be my FNE. With help from Neothink, it will be exciting. Thanks.

I need to find an A-Team to become part of

June 6, 2011 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Greetings, Mark Hamilton. Could you help me locate an A-Team that I could become apart of. I can’t seem to get a response from anyone in the Indiana area. Here’s my email address please help me thanks thomas

Level 5 Intergration/questions comments

June 6, 2011 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

What I got out of this most and will review it a few more times is all about the TVP. I look forward to learning more about the Twelve Vision Party other than what I have read already in the literature.I don’t feel fully competent with all the material given and it took me 4 […]

Abundance for Everyone

June 5, 2011 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Mr.Hamilton and Sue, Abundance is not just about money, It’s about health,welth,it means everything in your life.  An abundance of everything. This is the second time that I listen to the Level 5 meeting and I must say that it is very interesting to hear all the Questions and your answers Mr.Hamilton.My questions are not […]

Abundance for Everyone

June 2, 2011 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Hellow Mr.Hamilton and Sue. This level 5 meeting is very interested and must be heard one more time. Before I give you a concret Intergration. I have to check my spelling.


June 1, 2011 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Hi, Mr. Hamilton,reading the second insight,for the second time,I,m ameze of the similitud of neo-tech and the bible. Jesus idea to teach the peasants (in metaphor) aboat the consept of faith the peasants who began to see the growing evidence of the kingdom of god through Jesus, I begin to see the growing evidence of […]

Deed calling Men and it is no “disney land”

June 1, 2011 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

I’m back again to leave another integration as I am now all the way through the meeting. 2 things I will and must do immediately. Be sure of how to use this website, and navigate through and also buy my subscription to it asap. All the way through the meeting now, I am going to […]

a child awakening ..Level 5 integration

May 31, 2011 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Paste and copy…what a “neat little thing” that our computers can do for us, after misplacing my first integration from meeting 5….added to as comment by mistake to Thomas H.’s own commentary…therefore he has already more than enough to think in response to his own integration. And like everything else sinking in, how to use […]

Catching up.

May 30, 2011 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

As I said in the last post I’m a little behind in what I believe I’m suppose to be doing. I know now with certainty there is no MLM so I’m glad I didn’t start just yet on that. The club-houses for the Neothink Society meetings and the TVP are forming as described, but I […]


May 23, 2011 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

I have to admit that there are people out there that understand the big picture; Mark I saw the big picture way before you contacted me and I am sure there are whole lots of people waiting to be contacted. I would say this, honesty will destroy negativity in the the long run; The animal […]

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Welcome to Your Level 5 Meeting Integrations.

Hi! My name is Sue.

I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

I am here to assist you with any questions you may have during this level of your journey with Mark Hamilton.

Look for my comments below your Integration in the "Speak with Your Mentor" Section of the page.

Thank you,