Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Level 5 comment

October 26, 2016 by Mitch W.  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Sue, nice to meet you. I would just like to say that level 5 was very interesting and I am still trying to absorb all of the information that Mark was going over. I am excited about being a member of The Neothink Society. Thank you again Mark.

President of What?

July 29, 2016 by F.W  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Everyone, I do not touch politics with a ten- foot pole. I register, I vote for the guy, who most meets the ideals of what my family and friends are going through, and I follow the law/pay taxes. That’s it. So, when it comes to the 12 Visions Party, you have my vote but […]


June 21, 2016 by Tim McD.  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Sue, I only got through half of level 05. I need to see the rest of 05, and 06 Thanks Tim PS I don’t know my title

Level 5 Integration.

June 16, 2016 by Esteban M.  
Filed under Integrations

I hope all this is true. I will continue to learn. I have high expectations. While depending on what i am already informed of. I expect that i am contributing correctly. This is my new email. I want money. Free money. I am lost at the moment. Sincerely E.

Level 5

June 7, 2016 by Guy H.  
Filed under Integrations

The Twelve Visions Party(and the visions themselves),provide a guide for the world we would like to see-a world where wealth is universal,where there is no war,and health advancements lead eventually to a cure for aging.I feel fortunate to have discovered such an amazing guide for life.


June 3, 2016 by Robert B.  
Filed under Integrations

It amazes me what it takes to make the dream come true and make the world better! Lots of ‘red tape’! Also the illustration on the Twelve Visions Society is basic and to the point. The Republican and Democrat parties are so convoluted it’s hard to separate them and carry out for the good of […]

Level 5

April 13, 2016 by Aaron B.  
Filed under Integrations

It becomes very difficult to vote in the up coming election for either party. We do need another alternative point of view.

Such exalting visions………

March 6, 2016 by Tom B.  
Filed under Integrations

Hi, Mark! How exciting it is………to see such exalting triumphant visions come together……… Tom B.

I am so EXCIED!

February 11, 2016 by Tiandra L.  
Filed under Integrations

The reason I am so excited is because everything is coming together. I can see clearly the vision you have Mark and it is much respected by me. I am ready to keep moving forward on this wonderful journey with you.


February 3, 2016 by Michelle R.  
Filed under Integrations

So beautiful to see how (what was once just) Mark’s vision, become a beautiful reality! Also very ecstatic for the future of us Neothinkers from here, we all will continue to do amazing things I’m sure!! 🙂

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Welcome to Your Level 5 Meeting Integrations.

Hi! My name is Sue.

I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

I am here to assist you with any questions you may have during this level of your journey with Mark Hamilton.

Look for my comments below your Integration in the "Speak with Your Mentor" Section of the page.

Thank you,