Wednesday, March 12, 2025

niveau 5

January 31, 2016 by Annik C.  
Filed under Integrations

Bonjour Sue, Merci pour les leçons du jour. Je me sens du mauvais côté, du côté des esclaves inutiles dont on ne veux plus. Je suis depuis si longtemps en mode survie que je n’ai plus la force de poursuivre mon essence du vendredi soir. J’aimerais un monde meilleur où tout le monde serait heureux […]

Level 5 secret mtg

December 31, 2015 by Oran Mann  
Filed under Integrations

This was a long, but very informative meeting. It took awhile to get through with all the distractions of the Christmas season. I really enjoy the new format, wherein you are talking to us and not just

The challenge

December 11, 2015 by Elijah Lenix  
Filed under Integrations

I know we all want to be free of external forces that manipulate our brains and push us in the direction of destruction. I know that we all want to live happily, and healthy while pursuing our Friday-Night-Essence in life. I know that we all want to actually see and reside in the beautiful C […]


December 9, 2015 by Ronald P Conte  
Filed under Integrations

I am at level 6 Read the Heirlooms Now reading Frank R, Wallace Entelechy of Prosperty and Happiness Waiting for The League’s High Secrets

Level 5 integrations

December 7, 2015 by Randall L.  
Filed under Integrations

We must sell our product the proven way and not use any hype behind because people will know from talking and listening to us or other members talk. We must not bring politics in the 3 meeting sites which are the intro meetings, the workshop meetings and clubhouse meetings. Politics has a different and right […]

“Ronald! WHERE have you been?”

November 23, 2015 by Ronald Nieboer  
Filed under Integrations

Mark , I am leaving for you my integrated comment, even though, because of technical difficulties with my PC, the sound not working for me, I was not able to hear a word of Meeting 5. I, Ronald Nieboer, one of your prospects from the Neo Think recruiting class of 2010. Mark, first, if need […]

Level-05 integrations

September 11, 2015 by john kornitsky  
Filed under Integrations

Hello Mark, This was a long level but it was packed with detail providing clarification after clarification. It summarized many of the points in the manuscripts, however, with my struggling over the past few years with the mysticism created, I was extremely happy to hear more about the business alliance plans, specifically how we could […]

Level 5 Integration – 5th Year – My website:

September 4, 2015 by Tommy Tran  
Filed under Integrations

My Dear Mentors, and mentors…… Fellow Neothink Family Members (Love & Prosperity & Abundance For Everyone) : as the initiators of the Neothink Clubhouses & It’s Co-ordinators : Taking The Lead Formulation to Bring The Civilisation of The Universe (C of U) to everyone……………….. ” How far across a distance glade can I say, from […]

Level 5 meeting

September 1, 2015 by Raymond Skett  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Mark This was a fantastic meeting which has taken me a long time to get through, partly due to the amount of information it contained and also to a number of things happening around me at home. What is happening is amazing although I would suspect it is happening slighly less here in the […]


August 19, 2015 by Ruben  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Mark,, I’m waiting in the winds of the Secret Society. Now that I’m back in country I see progress with the site and level five training helped me envision the movement. Although I’ve sent emails to the Calif. society branch meeting I’ve yet to receive a response; anxiously waiting to meet other Neothink members!

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Welcome to Your Level 5 Meeting Integrations.

Hi! My name is Sue.

I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

I am here to assist you with any questions you may have during this level of your journey with Mark Hamilton.

Look for my comments below your Integration in the "Speak with Your Mentor" Section of the page.

Thank you,