Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Deed calling Men and it is no “disney land”

June 1, 2011 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

I’m back again to leave another integration as I am now all the way through the meeting.

2 things I will and must do immediately. Be sure of how to use this website, and navigate through and also buy my subscription to it asap.

All the way through the meeting now, I am going to immediately say and address the matter of political concerns. Hear in Mark’s own voice as he moves into the last 2 segments of the meeting the very serious, focused and impassioned tone of his own voice…without even any need to pay attention to subconscious realizations going on…Hear. What do I hear as meaning that is irrevocably not lost on me? Frolicking with enjoyment and pleasures in mind, assuredly is a wonderful and happy place in the mind, the very “Disney land” of our own afforded lifestyle and advantages that have come about through our greatest self development and transformation. But “listen” here when “most serious of all” comes to the fore. something that the Man inside recognizes and hears, by the meaning of the words “Get with it now”, realize and give your fullest attention. Maybe all SOS members should realize the “IT” at work here, is the very Deed that must be done, to assure that we may all have our Disney land experiences…but this deed to be done, is no picnic, not intended for fun, and not leading us to Disney Land…it is leading us to place of Battle where confrontation is also waiting for us. Surly this is a Man’s place of calling in every way….Woman may here wish to insert her own personal place of callng, which in reality does not discriminate against gender…Man as Male, the very doer of deeds as Dr. Wallace described is the one immediately qualified to know and understand as the very definition of who he is….What is it that we as Men will be doing in the MUST BE scenario? Here I am talking about the very heart of the matter, that all the happy and productive work associated with the TVP forming is linked to…there will have to be a few, and really, greater more “some” that will have to rise to the challenge and Bring Neothink right into the place of confrontation eventually. And here by defintion, you have to have IRE and also Teeth that are poised and ready to use. We will as Neothink’s experiencing the process and fully realized phenomenon of reverse engineered hypnosis, which really means, we have all of our subconscious as also unconscious competence working, and fully mastered for what we need to do. It is, for the Neothink man, not the enjoyable world of productivity and value creation, but for doing the Deed of bringing and putting into place the instruments that will fully dispel government for the sake of government, and replace it with a new, simplified version of government, with a new constitution, based on Prime Law. The document he has formulated and written is incredible and astounding. It attests to who we are and what we are all about, by its own writing, taking into account every possible variation that could ever occur in the mind of a selfish and greedy man, who will yet want to find any way possible to impose or escape with a last shred of a self serving, despotic form of government. Our most powerful advantages fully come to life here as well….if all politicians today in America were immediately imposed to adhere unto Prime Law as it is written they would be completely blown away…realizing they have utterly no course of action toward any self seeking, self serving government form of any kind, based also upon the most incriminating discretion that Prime Law itself will impose and establish into place, to hold accountable, for the first time in History, the very soul of a “would be” politician. Their very incentives and the life’s motivations are immediately called into question when the very thought of ruling or governing others come to mind. Prime Law itself, is the only real governor over mankind in our future also known and foreseen. Like “God” putting into place, finally what forever has been needed here, in our world and this beloved planet known as the Earth to begin with…..We as Neothink’s understand, “God” has nothing to do with our own life’s making or even creating, other than the “God” that really is, the someone that is me or you, living inside…a real and better rendition of any Jesus Christ that ever lived, and here most assuredly in the soon to be forgotten world of politics, as some of us, Neothink Men, understand the same with fullest awareness about the Deed that has to eventually be done.
So imminent will the realization become by virtue of the very power within Prime Law as it is also written, when the time comes, we will realize and see the most insidious forms of resistance come to life and also at work and in play even as a last vestige of self seeking will, based on a political system that must relinquish and fully fall away. Here will be required of Men, to have both stamina, clear and balanced thinking, and IRE with armament that has real passion and teeth for using. This may sound and seem like cruelty at work…it surly is, defined by the very place of what it is…no longer the immediate “Disney land” we are all dreaming of….but the very place of Battle, where lives can be lost and even blood shed. It is assuredly gruesome in every way and a Man’s own understanding, whom is also Good, realizes what he is really doing. His focus is most entirely zeroed in on the deed that must be done “for the sake of Disney land” and all the dreamers who espouse them…for the sake of family, friends and loved ones, and for the sake of Life’s own calling, to freely impose and now dispose of the workers against Life, whom are ANTI to any real civilization. They also do this for the sake of what the very meaning of Prime Law stands to assure, guarantee and protect, forever afterward. This how high the stakes really are, this how dramatic it will become and this is how much resistance we can expect when it comes nearest to getting the deed done.

Should I go there to give some reflection upon the emotional essence at work and in play at this part of the meeting? yes, briefly, perhaps to suggest to other men gathered to realize for yourself if you have the recognition on-going. It will assuredly define if you are one of those men called who will become vital and indispensable to the deed that must be fully done. said badly or good at this point, so far, matter less….Mark’s tone of voice becomes sober and most serious at the start of Part 3A….something is decidedly different with something also dramatic and conclusive in mind…Stop frolicking, get with it, and now hear….sober and serious merely formulates what, as you hear, becomes feeling and now real passion toward this deed that must be done. without revealing all of “what” greater know from my own, more inside contacts, assuredly realizing there is Passion that swiftly comes to life, not just based on his transformational understanding, it is very personal base, experience “X”ed by real grief and loss as part of the very cost he has had to pay, to adhere to his own vision and also the very role he has played in it….at greatest cost to himself personally. “someone’s father is missing here” is the only clue you need to put 1 and 2 together. The very threat that government as an evil “x” has been is decidedly real, and wagers real cost against its own, formidable being. Besides any real crisis we may ever encounter, within or without that could threaten our businesses and livilihood, this is the greatest threat of all, and someone has always had to stand in the harm’s way, to stand and hold ground as the very Mantle for Neothink and Neothink understanding…assuredly there are many in the world right now, who have lived from this very base of understanding, fully engaged in battle for freedom, as subjects also identified by the enemy of it in government, already targeted as threats to its own existence….here you don’t even want to go all the way in your mind. to literally “envision” a battle and battle field forming, “as if” this really were some creativity project, based on imagination…most of all, only “what is” defines such a battleground in play and the encounters with confrontation are not something to be “dreaming about” night and day. Our “little lessons” like the emotional difference between Vindication and vindictiveness immediately say to you or I, feel and be dismayed about going into battle, if “lessons” about this, is what you are really into, better you get up now and just walk away….What is the difference here between the Man that embraces and the one that walks away? Honor does not manifest to disgrace the other..Regarding the Man that embraces, his own affections, like my own reflections upon such a matter, now just immediately lays itself aside. Assuredly he has own reflections and reasons for doing all and any thing other than “going to battle”…he dreams of disney land like any other, he feels love, pleasure and pain. My own reflection upon the matter, is I know myself greatest as a philosopher of life renewal…I am all about life, immediately, not death, battle or confrontation….I would say immediately that I don’t foresee becoming directly involved and can give my own reasons for also not wanting to…What the Man within simply Does at the point…He absorbs, assumes, realizes what it is, partakes with it, and now becomes directly involved in it… like with any vision of life worth having, there is no discussion about it, no amount of faith that will impel it’s coming and hardly any distinguishing about the marked choice he just made. He just IS now, the man that is taking responsibility for what’s happening in the world, no longer his own, and not yet his either. He is also now known as the soldier whom opposes the right against wrong…I’ll just leave that in there for a moment to illustrate how baffling it can become, as I greater trust the poetry of my own emotions to lead me to its own good and greater conclusion, even where this is concerned…”the right” is in reality the illusion of “rightness and goodness” that freely masquerades itself as Goodness and Righteousness…and we whom are really NEOTHINK, as the only men in the world qualified to do this deed, will be subject to insidious resistance at this greatest extreme. We will be incriminated in every possible way from 2 dimensional assaults upon our 3 and greater 4th dimensional qualities….and these arrows will find themselves slinging stones as its own last resort at our very Humanity. It is most personal, really threatening, and also imposing, by the “lesser than” form we are imposed to use as the very battlefield that defines our approach. A lot of confusion can develop in process, when taking into consideration any and every variation of the real life drama that comes into play. Here defines the Man as now Hero most of all, in his own capacity to realize the obvious all the way through, without even being distracted by dishonest deceptions at work, now in its most insidious forms. “the more insidious” indicates power loosing and fully falling away…a force of evil that must now resort to very complicated forms of aggression against our greatest Defense, now imposing to stand in the place of Authority that will forever impose the understanding of “Defense” in the place where the notion of Aggression found birth and kinship. That is the most incredible “What” that we are after…and it also defines the very nature of our approach of battle, greater defined by who we really are as NEOTHINK Men and Women. Any woman offended when she reads or hears of this integration already miscontrues to understand. There is no decrying Joan of Arc in the form of a NEOTHINK heroine now fully involved, whom will manifest herself as vital and prominent to the battle on going….there is in reality nothing and no one more fierce for fighting than the woman impassioned to defend her friends, family and loved ones…evidenced by the lioness who feels and sees her own cubs threatened….she will defend at all costs and greater realizes also that she will devour her enemy before they even come close to succeeding…..like the Lioness, there are no thoughts given to “martyrdom” in mind…the lioness knows whom she greater is, and understands she WILL devour to defend any one who really does come close enough to threaten…she is the noblest of creatures, not a wolverine or “tazmanian devil”..The Lion as King, is likewise in his noble disposition with Territory in mind. Use this as your own illustration how a woman becomes most deeply impassioned over greatest intimate and personal concerns…a man is immediately focused on the very territory and field of influence that must be guarded, propogated and also defended. The very nature of our battle forth coming implies already the role that men and women will play…History of the World/Mankind has set up itself with only one option in the end…the emphasis on men themselves as the dominant leaders in the world of politics implies that only men will be going into the most definitive roles where our Defense is finally established and defined by Prime Law. “nothing else will fully make sense” to the masses of our world, called to formulate out of mass, into definition, based upon individuality. it is the safest, least controversial way to get the job done. A man of Neothink to become President, and probably mostly men in the most definitive roles as also the most influential places of office. just by common sense, see the advantage immediately…it is the swiftest way to bring Neothink and Prime Law into establishment, based upon mankind’s own bias toward men as rulers and governors. The obvious truth can not yet be greater known, how a women’s own comprehension is immediately greater times 4 in life and also “all things”…she is the mother who gives birth, the lover who “lessons”, and the child most vulnerable of all, who greater knows what vulnerability really is…She is more fierce than the fiercest man on earth when it comes to defending her own children, and any thing in life that is of its own greatest value. She is the living manifestation of what is also obviously true…Female as “God” is the greater and very originator of the two…where else did even “He” come from, known to us as “Zon”….surly he formulated out of female essence…not she, out of him. Life and also Wisdom is what she greater is, compared to the Man, whom is the mere doer of immediately all that that is…. he is also disabled from knowing himself from Day 1 of his own birth and conception…yet as the very one who IS disabled, with vulnerability “built right in to him”, he is greater the object of scorn, scrutiny and insidious, obsessive aggression where the very value of “life” is concerned. The woman is in reality greater, but made subject to serving man, by life’s own design, not out of obligation, but in deference to what defines a male as also Man, by that same design…this is merely “the nature of the situation…the only meaning for her or he to enjoy is now “Worthy” proving if they are ever to freely and fully “come together” Nature’s greater calling has also pleasure in mind…impelling and compelling the issue to dramatic climax…”coming together” becomes a matter of MUST and even urgency. Forgotten already are the advantges conta to disadvantages that decided roles freely impose, sooner by the she as female even before he. Here the Lioness is already showing her colors as the one who immediately realizes that a very LIFE is also at stake. She gives and does with All Passion to sustain and give to this man, whom she realizes does not fully recognizes or even knows himself, yet is disposed to the same threats at work, unyieldingly Here tends to summarize the very outcome of how things generally always are and it will also typify the greater need for men, directly in those most definitive places. A Woman is better, greater and more knowledgable, yet by the real and greater part of her that IS, Her very Heart, finally defines what she will do, based upon her own response that comes sooner to realize than the Man she can but only help to realize his own fullness and identity….She therefore is immediately the Sustainer to the enabler of this Doer of the Deed. Sound old fashioned? I hope so…it will realize something as transformatively new and also NEOTHINK that was never “old” to begin with….the greater truth is, especially as real time has passed, there are hardly any real life examples of this as a model or form of being that should also be recognized, honored and embraced. The real phenomenon of it is always at work and in place…but where any real life objections come to mind where “sexism” is its own accusation…take it back into your own consideration that you are in reality decrying the very salt, flavor and spice of life, and degenerating the very dynamic of it, by dispelling the real distinction between male and female…into a generic “bi-partisan” distinction upon nature itself, as if Politics really had an agenda in mind for nature, besides just ruling and imposing with government authority. The end result, just as in politics, where “correctness” is over emphasized, “something” manifests that is also fully unnatural, indistinguishable, and “subhuman”, not befitting or worthy of Mankind.

Fully to the end of this integration now and I didn’t realize, once again, how far it was going to lead me.

The decided conclusion is we are going to encounter a battle that is its own reminder that we, all of us, are yet in the category that Dr. Wallace himself best described….we are MUST BE, or face extinction. There are no “meant to be’s” at work or in play…there is nothing “pre-destined”. This is the greater definition of the drama we soon all become involved within…with all the power we really do possess as Neothinkers, in reality, we are soon to find our chance to make our way through a very small window of opportunity, for the sake of ourselves and all of humanity. The window itself appears by the very exercise of our free will and independent thinking…our objective is to move ourselves and our world through this small window, out of time and into Eternity. Time itself does not really exist and neither does our own mortality. We are the only ones who are freely able to realize this, and the only ones who are able to do this based upon invidual, free will. “I expect” nothing less than greatest resistance, by the most insidious kinds of people, “for no reason” as we begin to move through the window and transform our world into a civilization. Understand it this way “as if” it really were that extreme in its urgency(it really is)….and realize how the power of Greater Life already invested into the Universe will move swiftly to freely dispel with miraculous fullness than perhaps even any one of us has yet imagined….the Bible’s own reference to “no eye has seen or yet conceived” what greater things are in store…our own emphssis regarding the real “”unimagined ” by most people are the joys as also pleasure we are already able to experience and comprehend..shift to realize a “how to” when it here applies where all of life is concerned and this little thing called “politics” is standing in our way. Greater things the Universe is always able to do for us, in greater, more glorious ways, that not even one of us has yet, conceived, perceived or imagined.

Obviously I am going to need some real criticism here especially from some Neothink Woman who already better understand what I am realizing into words…to both chide and confront me with their better realizations. This one reaches “really far” and yet pivots around something most real, definitive and also conclusive in the ONE TIME ONLY EVER that is also now imperative. This is also me again, hung up on “the Great Big Picture” as much as I can become delayed and almost stopped in motion by the depth of meaning “in some small little thing” when in real life, I have real demands, defined by a real income needed to be sustained by a business, now based upon numbers—it is life’s real lesson at work here for me, less than the value of my own integration: with what ever and all I just said…to squarely face reality.’

I must mention I have a friend who lives an hour north of me. He is assuredly my greatest NEOTHINK brother and friend, a very “Jesus Christ” to me X 4….(all those references to ‘better renditions of J the C are most fully substantiated by my own theology…no need to feel offended or even threatened by them….He, Jesus, gives many references to this as what he also greater hopes for and always did, when he was wandering this earth, “like the loneliess guy in the world…and a lot of “I gotta believe” he was feeling and thinking “please, can’t I find someone who is figuring these things out, without my having to explain to him, let alone what I see I am going to have to do…(that martyrdom on the cross) once in a while he actually did….someone freely and fully independent, putting things together in his own mind, based or not upon the a living demonstration of it, known as Jeshua from Nazereth….”greater things you will do” even than Me(is the meaning)…you find at least one or two references unto, even from the Bible as it has been, by the limiting and maligning of mankind over the centuries)

Based upon a greater meaning at work here that comes to life right out of this subject matter is this: the very “window” of our opportunity is also “God’s” greatest intention…panning out he always prefers unto a man conceived notion of apocalypse…it greatest demonstrates the most obvious limitations of man’s cruel designs when he decides to “be God” in his own mind…assuredly our own affirmations in now past time, with reference to “the God-Man” is most fully substantiated and qualified, morally and ethically…it is all based upon inward realization, not imposing, outward fabrication. Besides any and everything else involved, “God’s” own greatest intention is also designed to dispel the use and abuse of his very name…it is the very tool that any religion based anticivilization would ever use to bring about the very apocalypse it supposes to warn against and to also avoid…the most powerful manifestation of Life as Supra Consciousness and Energy through “God” now personified HAS to give it up for something even greater than HE. Not just once or “maybe” no, immediately, every and ALL the Time…to what is the greater FEMALE who is really the sustainer of such a “God” as the very life to his energy. and She is most fully UNdefined…again, she is the Lioness who will do this for the sake of humanity and real living souls, like any good woman always will…”gonna stop you right now if you think your are going to harm my own children for the sake of your own beliefs” “Pan”is the realization and affirms the very window we realize and now see…there are no definitions, no decisions, no conclusions and most of all, no pre-destinations at work…it is all wide open, the future we see, and it is ours both to claim and make for ourselves, immediately and eventually….my own theologic background empowered also by philosphic understanding is greatest outstanding and fully beyond reproach…in other words, no better as a real authority of what Christianity really is or ever meant…none that were also put into writing….and the decided conclusion of the very best people whomever lived within it…what was? as naturally good people, they immediately and naturally gave up the whole issue of a second coming and an impending apocalypse to “whatever is really possible”…and the only definitive as far as “the end” was concerned is and was “Pan”….things “Pan out” and any “milenialist” who comes along to say to us, “Now’s the time, get ready!(live also in fear is their decided intention, about Jesus’ second coming)…well, simply, they are now “Pan” too, somebody who is obviously both stupid AND ridiculous not to simply know “when to say when”…how good and true to their origins they really were, these beloved people whom were my teachers, mentors and friends….willing also to say it, in the face of questions that could also undermine their Christianity…out of life we were born and conceived, called unto Life without end…it assuredly it began and ends only with “Begin Again”….”it never ends”

About my friend in relation to the subject matter of my integration and the real, greatest concern of meeting 5…he is also most familiar with sufferage, loss and grief, most directly related to his own NEOTHINK identity that he has lived with for more than 27 years…very much “one of the original members, in his own way…formed out of rough, “mountain” clay. I mention him here for the fact and sake of a real question in mind…how much evil as “x” in the government really yet exists, despite what government as un feeling, un thinking machine has always done based upon despotic design…the real costs in real battles with real losses are undeniable and unforgettable to those who have been imposed both to suffer and yet overcome to triumph as heroes this way…by their very doing and sustaining themselves to Be and hold ground in real imbattlements on going has brought us to this place of “greatest of all opportunities”…how much more can we freely expect, defined also by the dynamic of X unlimited in our minds? I mention because there is recommended to me here, materials that point to decisive action for or against our very standing president Obama,…the wisest thing for me to do, is to immediately move beyond the whole question…what ever is really relevant here will also, freely come to mind.

Before fully leaving, maybe could I point something obvious based on the merit of my own metaphor, actively portrayed in the world of politics where men and women are decidedly different in every way. The obvious: how hideous, wicked, evil and cruel Hillary Clinton really is, based upon all that she really and freely has done, just for the sake of being and becoming a player in the world of politics. this it by itself a fully unqualified statement and invites both comment and criticism.

I like playing the role of Philosopher as one Neothinker to another, where decided action is our calling and the greatest of all deeds is now beckoning…to employ even what is beyond even NEOTHINK comprehension as also something obvious, that will fully help us in our situation.

the most previous statement even about Hillary Clinton can betray what I have come to learn about love and love as its own understanding…the very need to make judgments about anyone is also Fear in Action…like most especially concerning the world of politics and those whom ever have been associated as active professionals within…don’t imagine and don’t imagine that you really know what’s going on….wait for it to appear and confront what you will do or not do, based upon your own training, qualifications and full understanding. The mind here is less the meaning than the very doer of the deed where politics and its own grievous presence demands something of us…. We as Neothink in UNDER standing, are empowered by a most dynamic and creative of all life processes that also is the greatest living force on earth…We possess a subconscious realization that can now become our subconscious living dynamic based upon what is reverse engineering in place of consciousness that has no root, depth, or any real correlation to its soul of origin. It is our greatest of all attributes. We carry within us the ability for a reverse engineered consciousness, employed by our greater subconscious dynamic that out performs, out does and fully undermines the very evil of our day that would otherwise threaten as a real contention to our life-having dreams.

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