Wednesday, February 26, 2025


November 14, 2011 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

I have spent much time in thought over the levels 5 meeting. I have played it over a couple of times in full and in part. I have decided that I’m not able to judge your work. You have made your plan and I’m not able reflect through your experances or past to understand your decsisions. there for my thoughs could not be very integrated or helpfull. In this case the specialised thinker might do best. Even though i love the idea of a secrete society. On this one I will follow your lead.

My childhood dream was to be in a secret cub house with no girls of course. (Sorry ladies’ but kids can really be dumb sometimes.) Now i feel much different about the Girl part. A secret society has awesome power to teach and become as one in thought and deed. Well i really liked the SECRET part. But it was just a kids dream. Now i will follow your dream and help any way I Can. The PRIME LAW must prevale.

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I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

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