Thursday, February 27, 2025

How A Millionaire Society Can Be Set Up

January 19, 2013 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

First, my current financial and living situation prevents me becoming a member of a local secret society clubhouse or accessing the secret society website, I hope to become a member when my condition changes.

Now my thoughts on how might society can be set up so all in society can live as millionaires. How all in society can get the jobs they want and the ones who create the most values will get financial bonuses and the first choices on jobs available.

Today, there are many successful companies, but the way how things are set up only a few individuals at the top of the corporate ladder make a tremendous amount of money, matter of fact in many companies the ones at the top make around 400 times more than the median salaried employee in the corporation. This number around the year 1960 was below 40. Many in big business have almost become greedy, they look out how they can fill there own pockets and are not looking out so much for many of the employees. They might run a good or great company but not everybody benefits from the profits only a few.

How can business change, how can all in the community can become wealthy from the business that’s the main stay of the community.

Today the community is under a local government umbrella. In the future, the community should move under a business umbrella.

Every community should be built into business units with a main-stay business as it’s main profit center. All citizens work in one of the business units very often switching into new jobs they are interested in working often learning new things always adding value and constantly learning.

The business units in a community may be laid out something like this; the main business of the community (for example a new technology company maybe creating holographic television or some technology that will be in great demand, or could be a food manufaturing company, warehouse, or candy factory or something.

Other business units include commerce (all the stores in the community), housing (building residences, commercial buildings, owning and renting homes, commons and home maintenace), education and learning (both in home and schools), utilities (cable, electric, water, internet, phone, heating and air conditioning, and sewage), transporation, hotels, activities, sports, arts, special services such as medical which includes hospitals, handicapped, senior citizens, special needs, and social services, banking (all in the community with debit and credit accounts) and secret society meeting houses which today are churches, and lastly the local meeting clubhouse that oversees the operations of the community such as the mayorial responsibilities, how monies get allocated, what community projects get funding.

All the jobs in the community have a job description, all citizens in the community fall under a business umbrella, are elgible for any job, however there are a few jobs where a person’s sex and age are appropriate. A physical job such as building a house, a younger person is more appropriate, or waitressing or a beauty position a younger female is more appropriate. An older person is more appropriate for thinking jobs or a job not too laborous.

The job descriptions for every job has a written description, should have a you tube video, and the person moving onto another job should spend a little time providing one on one personal instruction.

As each person performs each job they should be looking for efficiencies to make the job even better. In jobs that revenue is involved, a percentage maybe 25% of the revenues are applied bonuses.

All jobs go through an allocation system when a new contact period happens. Some jobs may be under contract for 4 months, others may be for 4 years, 4 months usually for jobs less liked (like a garbage man), 4 years usually for jobs requiring expertise (like a dentist).

All citizens are assigned personal value power points as they perform each job, power points may be averaged over a 4 month period.

All jobs about a month before they come under contract go through an allocation process, the person with the highest personal value power point when the job comes up gets assigned that job.

The personal value power points or pvpp’s are created something like follows.

1)All citizens are assigned 100 basis points to start.

2)If the job is revenue producing a regression budget can be created and a percentage factor is developed actual/budget (say the actual is 120 and budget is 100) 120/100 is 6/5 times 100 changes basis points to 120.

3)Again if the job is revenue producing current month versus prior month percentage factor used applied to basis points.

4)Also current month versus current month prior year percentage factor applied to basis points.

5)An evaluation factor can be created for a particular business unit, a person assigned to a job might be required to rank order all the employees around that position, the person needs to be provided all the positions one step above him, their peers, and one position below them. Rank order all the employees taking into consideration knowledge, performance, helping others, training skills, experience, communication skills, professionalism, and dress.

The person ranked highest might get a 1.2 percentage factor, the one at the bottom might get a .8 percentage factor and the rest an incremental factor between the 1.2 and .8 applied against the basis factor.

6)Next is a customer service evaluation, for a customer service job, for example a waitress, hairstylist, bartender. After service the service person gets evaluated 5. stars outstanding, 4. good 3. average 2. fair, and 1. poor. 1.2 percentage applied for outstanding, 1.1 for good, 1.0 for average, 0,9 for fair, and 0.8 for poor applied against basis points.

7)Level of position. There may be 15 levels of jobs, the level you currently should be at used as a factor, a level 15 provides a higher percentage to basis points and a first level job lower percentage points of basis points.

8)Business unit points. For each job a person has in a business unit they get higher percentages applied to basis points.

9)Size of Business Unit Working. Business Units might be rank ordered based on size or importance, if a person works in a busy business unit that get a stronger percentage factor against basis points and a smaller job a lower percentage factor.

10)Training factor. If a person is interested in a particular job he might take training for that job and when that job gets allocated that person gets a percentage factor for that job and gains an advantage because they took the training.

11)Applying for a position. A citizen of the community might apply say for 5 positions that are up for that contract period. When it comes to those 5 jobs the person gets bonus points applied to those 5 jobs.

When a new contract period begins an allocation system runs going through the highest and most important jobs first, the person with the highest Personal Value Power Point that APPLYS for the job gets the job. The system runs until there is no applied for jobs left, the system runs again this time for the highest and most important jobs based on the person with the highest Personal Value Power Points.

The system runs and the allocation is overseen by the allocator of the community. The allocator notifies all the citizens of what their new job will be during the contract period, which begins in about a month.

Once notified of a citizens new job, it’s his responsibilty to learn the new job, through job description, through you tube video, and meeting the person leaving the job getting one on one direction.

The system should be designed to keep all citizens of jobs that they have worked in, it’s like a continuous resume, kept in the community system.

Sometimes things happen, people get sick, a family emergency, may find that they don’t like the job, are uncomfortable with the people they are working with, or may not be good at the job. There should be a few jobs set aside or jobs on call for backups. This needs to be built into the allocation formula.

All this should be built in the community tracking system. Another field should be added to a job tracking report, that’s the citizen’s wishes for the contract period, a person might go for an elevation, a higher level job, a movement, a job with less responsibilty, a lateral, a job at the same level in another business unit, an experience, if a person moves into a new business unit they should be required to spend some time maybe a week at some of the lower level jobs to understand the business unit better and also to take some training.

Finally at times a person might transfer in or out of the business umbrella, move into a new community and later move back, run a side independent business for awhile. Also there is vacation time off and training time off.

An idea is to have the work week broken down under the business umbrella as such, a 40 hour work week, 24 hours of true work, 8 hours a week of learning (which may be learning how to do the job better, watching you tube videos of prior citizens doing the job, learning for a new job) and 8 hours ot teaching (updating the job description, creating a new you tube video, one on one training or working with a high level manager giving him experience).

Occasionally in a community, maybe a conglomerate of communities, the highest members leave and join others to start a new community with a new business that society wants. Experts will be needed in all the business units to get the new community a good start and help make them profitable.

A society set up in such a way, the ones that create the most value will become the most knowledgable members of the community, the geniuses, the higher community members they receive the most money and rewards and more responsibilty. Through technology advancements the higher ups will still be very wealthy, not 400 times wealthier, all citizens can afford almost anything in society through better efficiencies.

Most people will love their job, more often than not citizens apply for jobs in areas they like. All citizens are always looking for job efficiencies and they can get bonuses in their job if they become good at it.

People will often change jobs, they will get to know many people in their community, it will feel like the first day of school often, for often a person is learning new things and enjoying teaching others how to do their job.

As for the allocation of jobs, the citizens should understand the allocation process, but only a few such as an allocator and a few high level geniuses should be able to see the numbers to make sure they are working properly. The focus is on all enjoying what work they do and politics should be out of the equation.

I write these points as a starting point for geniuses to evaluate on how a society of millionaires can be set up.

My Friday Night Essence is thinking of ways for the citizens can live a life of paradise on earth and some day beyond.

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