Monday, February 24, 2025


December 28, 2010 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

I have been listening to Mark in our session. He spoke about A-Teams the and clubhouse which I have not been able to attend but would like to. Do they meet on the web or in a certain location?
Level 5 Marks Question and answer session
Mark speaking about the negative in our apprentice group those who are spreading negative thought has to remember anything worth having isn’t just given to us. There is a process that must take place to prepare each one of the apprentices and once they understand this the negative thoughts will cease.
Let’s look at how a musicians compose the first step is to send off to the copywriter the lyrics, music and the composer. This has to happen so that the composer’s music isn’t stolen. The composer works on the music until it is ready for production e.g. (what instruments that they will use, the background singers, who will be the lead singer, recording, studio time, the label, the background if a video is going to be one of the productions ) all this has to be considered when composing music and much more.
The Market piece for the secret society has to go from birth to adulthood to be successful. Mark I hope this comment will help those apprentices that are sending out negative vibes among themselves.
In the 12 Vision Political party platforms make all the people rich including the poor.
What about those who are already rich and in power will this include them as well? And from my understanding if they want to run for office they will have to sign off on the prime law contract? And will be held to the prime law is that correct? This is awesome!!!!!!!!!
The 12 Vision Political Platforms this is awesome because I have served on several campaigns. My concern while I was serving was why some people headed the campaign when others were the leg men and women who ran around for the people in charge and would not give them something important to do besides get coffee or food. As though they couldn’t do the job they were doing maybe even a better job. I have always wanted to be on the ground floor of the party to learn and use some of my ideas. My question too many in the anticivilization world was why do we need big government? And why do we need government telling us how to live our Friday Night Essences? Why can’t the government just protect and serve the people? We don’t need the government telling us how to live essences and live the life we are meant to live. The answer I did get was rhetoric and bureaucracy.
Thanks so much for the 12 Visions Political Platform. You are family and we love you for all you are doing

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Hi! My name is Sue.

I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

I am here to assist you with any questions you may have during this level of your journey with Mark Hamilton.

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