Wednesday, February 26, 2025

L-5 Intergrations

January 20, 2012 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

level-5 proved to be the most interesting yet! The deeper you go the better it gets. Which is good in most cases the deeper you dig the darker it gets! Not true with NEOTHINK!! I tend to believe that the big problem we will have with the media as we go more public our goals will stem more from the opening statement THAT YOU ARE GOD! Will scare people much as in did in Jesus time along with the TEN SECOND MIRACLE tends to turn people off and, make them thing your just another kooky con religion. That’s were the small time huckster come into play. On a personal due to the negative media on the internet some people will naturally think its a con people in postions of influence will try to shoot it down buy useing very old but none the less effecitve tatics such as shoot it down as anti Gov’t radical talk. They will say you are under mineing the very fabric this country was build on!! So I don’t think the Gov’t will not accept us as quickly as you think until we have a large sect of the genral popluation on board. Then out of fear for there positions of power they will accept our ideas as Pliot did during Jesus day in order to please the people and, hang on to there power! Once our numbers become many and, strong they will be forced to accept our goals. But, for now we must concentrate our efforts on getting people not to fear NEOTHINK as something that will bring about the ANTI-CRIST!! Which most people tie the NWO to! With all the talk of one world currency and, a NWO it brings to mind predections from revalations to mind and, it scares people REALLY! Just the wright brothers and, Mr. Fords horseless carriage and, the belief that the world was not flat after all scares people cause it makes them wonder out side of there comfort zone. People for the most part like you say still really don’t know what to make of NEOTHINK so they wonder in silence due to the fear of scorn and, being laughed by freinds, peers, coworkers family as being some sort of spooky weird’o that no one want’s to have luch with the company nut! Some may even fear loss of job from the point of being a radical trouble maker in the ranks and, cull you out! So they keep slient out of fear must as Jesus follwers did out of fear of the Roman Gov’t. M.H. is right it will take patience and, time but it is an idea that’s time has come and, can not and will not be denied so don’t worry M.H. is idea is powered by a machine that no power on earth can turn away as it has been the power base since there was a C of U which is what inspires and, feeds your NEOTHINK vision. It a force that can ot be denied so just contiune on in the way you know because that is the correct way and, power behind will direct you step by step because for what ever cosmic reason you were the choosen one to bring NEOTHINK to the world so you guide will be true and, steady provide you with all the help you need to succeed it’s nothing more than being a choosen rep. for the powers of the C of U. Sounds like that’s a pretty tall order to fill along with some mighty big shoes to fill! How so ever we will muddle threw and, reach our goals in the end for it is nothing more than destiny! And, the will of destiny has never been denied nor can it be! Well Guy’s and, Gal’s I guess that’s about it for now from this remote NEOTHINK out post some were in the twlight zone of NEOTHINK and, the C of U Till next month KEEP THE FAITH C-YEA!!

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