level 05
January 12, 2014 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
hi i am stanley e. at perth western australia how do i know if there has been twelve vision party set up perth. there has been a new party set on last election run by clive palma. i agree about the security of websites. a question about entering the contest that they say you have won money but no money comes when money will be sent in 48 hours and nothing comes. i have been sending the last three years. yours truely stanley
staleye perth
the last comment i made i have not recieved answer.
according to the levels i am still on 1&2 levels.
with living so far away the speaker takes a while come through and sometimes you have to listen to level again.
mark spoke of signing new memebers up and polital party.
will listen to the season again if i get access again.