Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Level 05 Imtergration

February 16, 2015 by Thomas M. Jines  
Filed under Integrations

Hi. Sue, I’m back there are a couple of comment I would like two state for this level. First I would like to state in reference to Mr. Hamiltons comment about being free from religion, he is so right on I don’t believe anyone knows this and I don’t really want to go into a surmon, so I will be as brief as I can, that is the purpose as to why Jesus came, to free us from sin and religion and I can prove it right from the scriptures, where it states and everyone over looked it, but if you take the scriptures as it is stated you will realize that is was the Religious sect in Jesus’ time that had him Crucified, now I don’t know what everyone else thinks about it, but I come to believe there is something definetly wrong with that Picture. And the other statement I would like to comment on is the comment Mr. Hamilton made on the faults of man. I thought for a moment that I was listening to myself. I am so glad and proud of all of you for your accomplishments, and I find it awesome to be accepted and to be a part of this wonderful and awesome Family. I want to really thank all of you for letting me be a part of all of this. It really is awesome to be here!

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

2 Responses to “Level 05 Imtergration”
  1. Louis Uzoh says:

    Hi Sue, When Mark Hamilton speaks of
    A-Team as regards to T.V.P. Movement in a State like
    New York State we have two clubhouses or more.
    Will each of the clubhouse have its own A-Team or all the Clubhouses in New York State team up to form one A-Team?
    Louis Uzoh

  2. Louis Uzoh says:

    Hi Sue, I did submit my integration of LEVEL O5 APPRENTICE INTEGRATION;
    Thank you Mr. Hamilton. You are are a great Mentor and a very Good Teacher. You take much time to guide me.
    Today is the greatest day in my life for after this level 5 Essence Meeting with you Mark Hamilton, it gives much hope that I can do this. I am very delighted that I can help many people live the lives they are meant to live. And also I can help many people become the persons they are meant to be. Most important I now believe I am going to be the person I am meant to be and live a fulfilled life I am meant to live. Thanks to you Mr. Mark Hamilton.
    After my level 4 Essence Meeting with Mark Hamilton I started Neothink Clubhouse of Valley Stream L.I. New York
    Now after attending Level 5 Essence Meeting Mark Hamilton this afternoon I took a lot of notes that will help me to create more values as I prepare my Inroductry Meetings,Workshop Meetings, Clubhouse Meetings, Network Marketing Meetings and also what to do with T.V.P. movement I am thankful that I will continue to Partner with Mark Hamilton in this life journey. I am looking forward for the days ahead. Thank you again

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Hi! My name is Sue.

I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

I am here to assist you with any questions you may have during this level of your journey with Mark Hamilton.

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