Level 5 comments
October 17, 2011 by tdomf_4411f
Filed under Integrations
Hi Mark: I know we are the chosen one in Neothink Society.We are to change humanity and the world.Ifelt my whole life thatIwas to do something special and great for humanity and world.Thank you Mark for choosing me to joint Neothink and setting my child of the past free.To make this shy and quite man into vaule creator. I am ready to joine the 12 vision party movement.To go out and spread the word to the people,about the12 vision party.
Mark,I looked at level 5 meeting three times and each time it gets me more excite about the 12 vision party movement is findly geting start.Iam ready to take our message to the people.I been calling to join a-team in my state of Pennsylvania.I been calling for months and geting no respond. I know I can be a asset to the cause.This my FNE ever since I was a young man I knew that our government was ruleing us by suppressing us.They only care about how much they can put in ther pocket and care noting for the people or society.Thanks Mark for opening my eyes and setting my child of the past free.Yes with your guitance and the a-team hard work we will win in 2012.