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Level 5- Formation of the Society of Secrets

December 18, 2013 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Regarding the formation of the Society of Secrets, we must pay attention to the following crucial points: the dichotomy between Frank R. Wallace & Mark Hamilton, the terminology especially words to use, words not to use for the face of Society of Secrets to the public, what to avoid when we try to make ads through Network Marketing to convince people to join our SOS and finally how do we increase the value of our product, the Introduction Meetings, the Clubhouse Meetings and especially the Workshop Meetings?

The dichotomy.
The dichotomy between Frank Wallace & Mark Hamilton is the division into two contrasting groups between the two authors of several books on our Society (Neo-Tech then Neo-think). In the supplement of Level-Four Meeting, Mark Hamilton reminds us that he made a clear separation between Dr. Wallace’s materials & terminology and Mark Hamilton’s materials & terminology: The two authors, although dealing with the same subject matter, have two separate essences. Dr. Wallace was developing the fundamental belief system, while Mark Hamilton is developing the fundamental application system. However both need each other. Dr. Wallace’s essence was to integrate the fundamental ideas, no matter what they were about. He couldn’t be concerned about people’s reactions. Mark Hamilton’s essence is to integrate the fundamental applications. He had to be concerned about people’s reactions. He had to remain concerned about the fundamental reality of effective application itself.
The dichotomy between Dr. Wallace’s essence and Mr. Hamilton’s essence shows in the writing themselves: Mr. Hamilton’s Miss Annabelle’s story for instance, is a map of the C of U. And Dr. Wallace’s Pax Neo-Tech is too. However, more people can read and actualize the life advantages found in Miss Annabelle’s story, or in the Twelve Visions, or in the Self-Leader system because they come from a fundamental Neo-tech application System. On the contrary, Dr. Wallace’s Pax Neo-Tech is more challenging to read and to apply directly into our life. We are more apt to intellectualize it than to actualize it.
Another difference in essence is that Dr. Wallace dug deeply into all areas of life in developing the Neo-Tech belief system of fully integrated honesty. That’s why he deals with Religion and God too. However, when running a political campaign, the Neo-Tech idea system for Religion and God should not even enter the picture. Because the application of Neo-Tech in politics is “freedom of religion”, a political party should not dictate beliefs to people. Therefore, the political movement must focus on Mark Hamilton’s twelve visions which deal only with the relevant concepts and stimulants for political application.
With today’s internet search engines, the political party must remain one step removed from Dr. Wallace and his writing. Dr. Wallace understood this as he had emphasized that the “political movement” will be Hamilton’s essence not his.

Words to use & words not to use.
We must know Dr. Wallace’s original idea system in order to stay away from his polarizing, controversial and alienating concepts which are not for our going public or our political movement. So, enclosed herewith are the words to use and the words not to use:
– We’ll not use NEO-TECH because when we search the said word on a website engine, we see negative comments attached to Dr. Wallace and his belief system.
– We’re going to move away from those words such as MYSTICISM, ZON. We’ll move away from the person FRANK R. WALLACE and will not discuss religion in our Introduction Meetings, Clubhouse Meetings and Workshop Meetings.
-Words that we’ll use: SOCIETY OF SECRETS or its acronym SOS; the TWELVE VISIONS WORLD instead of the Neo-Tech word; use NEO-THINK®. We’ll use GOD-MAN but too sparingly. And we’ll use the person MARK HAMILTON for this face to the public.

Use ads on the Network Marketing.
Mr. Hamilton emphasized that when making ads we must be realistic. We should not promise the moon to people by promising them that they are going to make an astronomical amount of money when they attend the meetings. Remember that we can focus now on the value, on the product, on making the value greater and greater, and on making the stimulation greater and greater.
Most marketing programs are focused on the opportunity, the marketing dynamic. Our program is different. Our program is product intensive. It focusses on what our job is when we are now apprentices and what our part of the product is? Well, our product is our mentorship with the new members who join. We apprentices are part of the Neo-think® product: So, the Introduction Meeting is our product because that’s where the value begins. The Clubhouse Meeting is our product too, and so is the Workshop Meeting.

How do we increase the value of our product?
How to increase the value of the Intro Meeting, the Clubhouse Meeting and the Workshop Meeting?
Remember that our presence in those meetings is not to hype the Society. To hype means to make misleading and exaggerated publicity for the Society. That is something unnecessary. Why? Because life is an exhilarating journey that everyone wants and it’s not hype! It’s the value attainable in the Society of Secrets (or SOS). It’s a great journey, a Ulysses-like journey.
Now, let’s have a look at the Workshop Meetings.

Workshop Meetings.
Mr. Hamilton said he’s going to go through the first six Workshop Meetings with us in order to remind us much of Mark Hamilton’s Neothink® literature which is needed for the face to the public. He also mentioned that starting the second half of our debut membership year, we’ll start getting into Frank R. Wallace’s works in the seventh, eighth and ninth month. Remember that Workshop Meeting is reserved to members only.
The First Workshop Meeting is currently titled “the Neo-Tech system”. M.H. talks about the mini-day/power thinking team, about the division of essence, about the mini-companies as MINI Companies, about the essence tracking reports, the essence meetings and about the integrating coordinating functions. M.H. has solid experience from giving seminars on this particular product. So, as mentors to new members, the way we can best help them is simply to walk through the exercises that M.H. uses in his Neothink® literature. For example, when new members come in to our Clubhouse meeting and we would work through the process of writing out their mini-days, of course what we need is to go through the process that we see in M.H.’s Neothink® literature. We show them to do the listing of the actions or tasks they performed then separating those actions into physical movements (phone calls, letter writing, copy writing, accounting, meeting & people, operations such as interviews, training etc…). Those are physical movements of their mini-day schedule.
Those members interested in starting their own business and attending the workshop meeting will be excited to learn about the process of breaking their business down into areas of purpose, money-making purpose and we can help walk them through that process, first by listing the basic responsibilities of their areas of purpose and then going through, just like in M.H.’s Neothink® literature, how each responsibility exists due to………. or because of……… That’s how we find the areas in the business that can make money. With these, we have areas of essence for starting the division of essence. Then we group the basic responsibilities under those areas of purpose. M.H. calls them his areas of money-making purposes.
Now, we can separate those purposes or we list them under the money-making purposes throughout the business and we have a Division of Essence occurring for the business they are starting or existing business they are growing. Remember that the Division of Essence is the ultimate evolution of the Division of Labor which started with Henry Ford and the assembly line and was fantastic in accelerating the Industrial Revolution and brought about mass production and a huge boost to human prosperity. However, the Division of Essence is the next leap that brings our mind into our jobs as the human race cannot just continue driving in rivets!
The second Workshop Meeting will be the twelve visions. For example, we have Vision One which is discovering your Friday-Night Essence. That is a huge, rewarding workshop. We’re going to help people make their self-discovery that’s going to change their whole outlook of life. They can now play as an adult. They are discovering their passion in life.
We have studied Friday-Night Essence and the techniques to make it happen since Level One Meeting.
The Third Workshop Meeting is going to be based on “The Three Insights”. There are world changing insights, profound insights into the nature of man and society, into the way things are and, more importantly, the way things need to be. And we must point out the integrated thinking that occurs in each and every one of those insights and how like puzzle pieces they come together, are snapped together with each insight. We’re showing our new apprentices the application of integrated thinking. We can combine our Workshop with the Level Two Essence Meeting, which deals with how everything snaps together to create a Ten-Second Miracle. Integrated thinking leads to these Neothink® puzzle pictures.
The Fourth Workshop Meeting will be when we introduce Miss Annabelle’s Secrets. Miss Annabelle’s Secrets or the Superpuzzle is a trilogy. The first book of the trilogy is called “Conceiving the Superpuzzle”. This will be a very exciting workshop in which, for the first time, the subject of biological immortality arises. Sitting in a room full of apprentices with their mentors discussing biological immortality is extremely stimulating isn’t it?
The Fifth Workshop Meeting will be the second installment of Superpuzzle that M.H. sums up as “Putting Together The Pieces”, when the children grow up and putting together the pieces to the puzzle, the puzzle picture that is biological immortality. M.H. emphasizes that this is going to be an extreme exhilarating and stimulating workshop. For this is when your apprentices discover they are the twelve students. They are putting together the Superpuzzle along with their mentors. They will bombard the latters with questions.
Another very interesting dynamic that will occur at this Fifth Workshop Meeting is a huge percentage of our new apprentices suddenly wanting to join the Political Committee. This will feed dramatically the Political Committee.
The Sixth and Final Workshop Meeting will be the third installment to Superpuzzle, titled “Beholding the Puzzle Picture.” This workshop will be a very stimulating and fun experience because we, the new mentors, are going to be exercising Neothink®. We are going to be looking into the future , like psychics but not mystical.
We, current Level-Five apprentices, will be seeing and predicting the future in ways we have no idea of now. This Workshop Meeting will introduce Neothink® because this is the segment of the faction work that looks into the future. It’s going to get all our new apprentices looking into the future. It’s going to become our most rewarding workshop as our new apprentices experience integrated thinking.

Following the above six Workshop Meetings, we’ll get into Dr. Wallace’s works. Now, our new apprentices will be well prepared and ready, they will not be alienated by Dr. Wallace’s ideas system. So, the first six Workshop Meetings we have just covered are the value, the product of what we are doing.

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Welcome to Your Level 5 Meeting Integrations.

Hi! My name is Sue.

I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

I am here to assist you with any questions you may have during this level of your journey with Mark Hamilton.

Look for my comments below your Integration in the "Speak with Your Mentor" Section of the page.

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