Monday, February 24, 2025

Level 5 Integration – 5th Year – My website:

September 4, 2015 by Tommy Tran  
Filed under Integrations

My Dear Mentors, and mentors…… Fellow Neothink Family Members (Love & Prosperity & Abundance For Everyone) : as the initiators of the Neothink Clubhouses & It’s Co-ordinators : Taking The Lead Formulation to Bring The Civilisation of The Universe (C of U) to everyone………………..

” How far across a distance glade can I say, from Australia ” – You All Residence and Citizens of The United States of America and it’s Co-ordinators to The Clubhouses are : ALL HEROS………

May it be history imprints that: Donald Trump will be an example of A Business Men whom is taking the Political Arena without : the political career drivers of the White Collar Hoax of the Last of Many Centuries: their Mind Games of illusions will slowly Vanished and waste AWAY…… (As We All Shall See) and comes to terms with What is Value and what is Not Value: & Protecting The PRIME LAW: that is of course of it fellow human beings: THE PRIME LAW will subsidies all Laws of Force etc……

” It is a Blessing Dr. Frank R Wallace have discovered the NEOTHINK Discovery (through poker): A Magnificent Geniuses Minds @ Work and Unlocking : Human Consciousness and We Are Creators…

It’s been over 2years (about) since my Last Level 4 Integrations: but I am Very Privilege To Be Whom of The 300 Taking Neothink and The Society of Secrets to the Public….. I read as follow Text & Manuscripts and write key points down as my Homework; to digest and easily Integrate my mind…..

” MY SENIOR MENTORS & MARK HAMILTON ” I have found my FNE, TSM, Puzzle Pieces and NMS……. and plan for forefront to start A Clubhouse Meeting In Australia, Melbourne for my Inner Circle of friends and mini-companies heads of course: though Life has it challenges, I managed sincerely.

1. I am planning to be A Business Coach/ Business Mentor – reviewing Only the Mini-Days and Power-thinking tools and those ONLY as inform in our Manuscripts to our Workers, staffs etc…..

2. I am planning to be A CEO Consultant: that is teach people, the fundamentals of Business…. to coach and mentor them: 1-5 session MAX and then Inviting them to Join Our SOS……..

2a. If However, they refused to Join Our Group: I still STOP the Mentoring and will Not Disclose nothing further in our Inner Circle Highly Guarded Neothink Secrets: like the level 3 CEO etc…..

2b. I hope that this is Okay, because I am only reviewing the Basic which we will have to teach our staffs, workers, members, and colleagues in the Future anyway: AS A FRONT END Business.

2c. As this will Attract a large amount of people, wishing to learn business secrets, fundamentals and wealth creation secrets tools, techniques and strategy for Wealth Creation and Unlimited Capacity and potential.

” I wanted to ASK My senior mentor first, before I go about doing do: Your Confirmation Is My Priority ”

3. I have been drafting many drafts, about my Marketing Pieces for Neothink Clubhouse and Invitation To Join The Society of Secrets: The Neothink Society.

4. My Other businesses will Included:

1. Education Link.

2. Business Coach.

3. Members Clubinc.

4. GIN Membership.

5. Internet Business.

6. GKIC -Associates.

7. Direct Mail LInc.

8. MG & Affiliates.

9. Online Internet Based Webinars Inc.

10. Inner Circle LInc. & CEO’s Inc.

11. Non -Profit Org & Philanthropic Inc.

12. Land & Real Estate Investments.

13. Business Int3inc & Op. Management.

14. Computer Inc. Systems/ Software & Technology Devices.

15. Quality of Life, Time Management and Co-Ordination.

16. Investments of Time, Stocks and Market Trends Inc.

I have to say: I AM Very Interested in Direct Mail and Direct Response Marketing also… I have also invested myself into Reading DAN Kennedy’s GKIC materials and his approach’s and techniques and How He Goes About: copywriting. Thanks to KT website, I managed to get to know the Man – Dan Kennedy and is also partaking into his Affiliate Program:

Alongside: The Napoleon Hill Foundation and Nightingale Conant teams, leaders and colleagues: The Master Key System by Charles F. Fannal and The Science of Getting Rich and having the knowledge of knowing: the term and phrase:

Invincible Determination – was a key and highlight when I was introduce to GIN and receiving Mr Mark Hamilton first email and correspondent with me,…. ” I can not Thank You enough and so much More grateful and privilege to have been selected to go through THE TRAINING & The Apprenticeship, The Manuscripts, the foundation and knowledge of all my Understanding and Existence.

Thanks Again, mentors: I hope to be of Service and of Service that is Highly Valued and Valuable….. That is beneficial and is rewarding, not just for me; but for the people and the future people and generations whom I will loved, missed, appreciate and grateful to have Lived A Life, that is Meant To Be, meant to Lived …. For Me.

To Lived The Life, I Was Meant To Live……
And To Achieved and Accomplished What I SET Myself To Accomplished.

Is in fact a dream come true….. Knowing this, it feels so much Blissful & Honourable.

A LIFE WORTH LIVING: A meaningful, Important & Worthwhile Lifestyle that is Eternal: Immortality.

Thank You: SO MUCH: Neothink Family (my inner circles of association).

There is nothing, I can wish and ask for really……. As We Control The Universe; We Are Creators….

Yours In Health, Wealth and Well-Being,

Tommy (Tung) Tran :

p.s. I will order the next Manuscript Very Soon: (my mentors).
Oh, and PLEASE review my website: &
TELL ME, IF I am reviewing too Much…… irrelevant information?

Thank You EVERYONE For Reading….

mwah (kisses n hugx) xox

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Welcome to Your Level 5 Meeting Integrations.

Hi! My name is Sue.

I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

I am here to assist you with any questions you may have during this level of your journey with Mark Hamilton.

Look for my comments below your Integration in the "Speak with Your Mentor" Section of the page.

Thank you,