Thursday, February 27, 2025

Level 5 Integration

November 16, 2013 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Because of my prior experience with network marketing, MLM, etc., the format / concept turns me off a bit. And, like the apprentice you used as an example, I’m not attracted to “selling”, per se. The idea that this could be more a “pleasent, social event” approach eases some anxiety. I’m not convinced, yet, that “mentoring” / introduction, workshop, clubhouse meetings are really a “product”. I guess, as you stated, I’m not able to see the entire puzzle picture yet, so, I “hang in there”, listen, and learn, more and more. Thanks.

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Welcome to Your Level 5 Meeting Integrations.

Hi! My name is Sue.

I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

I am here to assist you with any questions you may have during this level of your journey with Mark Hamilton.

Look for my comments below your Integration in the "Speak with Your Mentor" Section of the page.

Thank you,