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Level 5 Intergration/questions comments

June 6, 2011 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

What I got out of this most and will review it a few more times is all about the TVP. I look forward to learning more about the Twelve Vision Party other than what I have read already in the literature.I don’t feel fully competent with all the material given and it took me 4 times 4 attempts to complete this level over a very long time. I tried on my work pc and home pc’s and each one was having problems either pulling up a part or playing a part of level 5 so I could get the complete complex picture. So I got very frustrated and gave up on several accounts but then thought how much longer this was than the other levels and so much more information and changes even while Mark was presenting it so change and challenge are part of the learning process and I gained alot over my struggles with this level and trying to complete my intergrations on this level..Also I was very ill past few months busy extremely with work and involved recently in a auto accident. I have alot on my platter as am sure Mark does as am processing quitting my government job and out on a limb developing at least 3 online work from my home and pc’s businesses. This is always a new challenge and it taking up alot of my time so I fell behind more and more from the simple request of doing my intergrated monthy mentoring with Mark Hamilton keeping at least one foot in the fire and stay stimulated in Neothink Neo Pax philosophy and complete lifestyle for all to become wealthy healthy and spiritually happy with a mate all in time..I do believe in Mark Hamiltons Vision and want to be a Warrior and more involved and in time I will be , just completing and catching up with all the levels and where I should be at this point will be challenging enough. My questions for Mark and his Senior staff is Where should my real focus be now at this stage of my development other than The Prime Law which is hanging on my wall for all to see and learning better the Twelve Visions and TVP..? Also what is going on in my area in the way of clubhouses? I believe there all in Silversprings and my car won’t get that far so am stuck for time being but am working on a solution but am also supposed to be relocating to Maine and didn’t wish to purchase another car and pay all the fees and licensing then move and have to repeat all that again so am stumbling back and forth to work or to park and ride to catch express bus to downtown Baltimore while I live in suburbs in Essex, Md. 21221. Thanks for all your doing and continue to do in mentoring me to become more part of Neothink and the new order of things..by and for the people so all reap the rewards of a techno advanced society for all not just the rich or those high in politics..Rev.G.Bruce Griffith,D.D.

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Hi! My name is Sue.

I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

I am here to assist you with any questions you may have during this level of your journey with Mark Hamilton.

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