Monday, February 24, 2025

Level 5 meeting

September 1, 2015 by Raymond Skett  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Mark
This was a fantastic meeting which has taken me a long time to get through, partly due to the amount of information it contained and also to a number of things happening around me at home.

What is happening is amazing although I would suspect it is happening slighly less here in the U.K than in the U.S.A., I intend to establish whether or not there is an A Team existing in my area; something I have not done as yet.

On the subject of making everyone rich including the poor, this is paramount as we here in Britain are beginning to see an increase in social unrest due to the widening gap between rich and poor; we also have an additional problem at the moment with huge numbers of migrants coming into this country up through Europe from third world countries; I know the U.S has it’s own problems !

In brief; I want to see the growth of SOS and the political movement in this country,our system is breaking down; there are many other aspects however, it surfices to say that an alternative to our elite driven system must be put in place.

Mark, I really admire whay you are doing and look forward to the next meeting although I have to catch up slightly;i am in for the long haul as I have been involved with Neo-tech 25 years now; this is truly exiting.

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