Wednesday, February 26, 2025

level 5 thoughts

December 15, 2011 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Hello MR.HAMILTON level 5 was great and very informative I very much support the TVP party, but I am not much on politics I know that it is very important for the TVP to succeed as far as I’m concerned to bring about biological immortality (my chief goal also) being wealthy too wouldn’t hurt either which will be accomplished with TVP success. A world full of freedom to advance (I will rephrase) and opportunity to build upon the technological advancements not yet known by the public free energy,plasma  weapontry,teleportation,antigravitational vehicles (in use for 37 years already) medical advancements for most cures of known diseases, interstellar space travel (being done as we speak through govt black projects) etc. in order for the advancement of mankind too go forth we need TVP to win and set the stage for young entrepeneurs,scientist,artist,and garages genieses to truelly bring about a better life. I believe we are entering a phase of human conciousness awakening to what is happening all around them.

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