Thursday, February 27, 2025

missing pieces

October 21, 2013 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Many questions…first, your overall plan for launching the 12 visions party, it’s separation from SOS meetings seems clear enough although, people will start asking questions about politics. Not wise to blow them off…no good to get carried away with that discussion. Need help finding that fine line… Second, I contacted a local clubhouse, got nowhere! Attended one meeting where nothing of substance or interest was discussed. Aside from the leader or founder and two others he brought with him, I and one couple were the only attendees. I do not know if the founder, Jim Gain is part of the group you have selected to launch the TVP. I have contacted him asking to discuss various things with him. He did not follow up as agreed. I did not attend this month because I did not have $20, ( not just to spare, I just didn’t have it) and the last meeting I attended was pointless and uninspiring. In essence I do not have a club or an A team, and as you should know, I am very sick, very poor and very disappointed by my inability to find answers to technical questions, to operate within your web site, to receive a call back when I call for help and to get answers to my fruitless attempts to get a functional definition of “initiatory force”.
Should I be discussing TVP with Jim Gain?
I get no health care, even when I go to the ER. My illness keeps getting worse but I continue working feverishly on this and buying books that I have to sacrifice food to pay for. I’m running out of time and I will soon be unemployed again. Springfield Illinois is as primitive and mystical a place as you will find in America. What do you suggest I do to develop a clubhouse here, without allienating these people who don’t seem to be engaged at all?
Why after several applications do I hear nothing from the business alliance?
As always, the follow up video does not play…haven’t heard one yet! The help line does not return my calls…the tech people just tell me “you figure it out”
I have never located a mentor’s message responding to my integrations! Are there any? Where are they?
Mark, I’m a really smart guy. Teachers, professors have told me this my whole life. I understand what you are telling me very well, but but you not telling me enough to pass professional scrutiny! It won’t work, as you well know, for me to rationalize when people begin to ask serious thoughtful questions that you haven’t yet answered. My illusive new friend here in Springfield does not appear to me to understand the meaning of these questions. My answers must jive with those given by other mentors. Initiatory force is a vague ambiguous term. Protection vs. interference must be clearly defined or the notion means nothing! I’ll try again tomorrow to find a place to post my thoughts. I have reprogrammed my phone to try to get the pc to operate the web site. Your tech people have made no attempt to connect me with the forum that I’m paying for with money I don’t have…I wish I could use it… To my knowledge no one has heard or responded to my efforts to communicate on line or by phone.
Main question, how can I connect with the SOS? Who will respond to my efforts to connect and where are they. Finally, what should I do about this clubhouse situation, or my failing health, or the business alliance before I starve or just die from medical neglect??? Find a way that I can talk to someone!

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “missing pieces”
  1. Carlos Ramirez says:

    Hi Mark, first I want to thank you for making clear that we don’t have to mix Neothink SOS with TVP. I agreed! and I have been integrating a presentation as transparent it can be for the people so they can see the difference between where they are and where they can be. I’ve been going to the meetings of the club house here where I live, we had a Saturday event where people from different club houses of the US attend it was great a lots of information form NeoThinkers like Mr Steve Fagan, Jill Reed, Adam Huntley, just to mention some of them, I’ve been attending teleconference Monday thru Sunday. looking forward to have the a team bilingual that is if you agreed with that at this moment? on the other hand with the TVP I personally have to get a better picture to be able to integrate and be part of this magnificent event for the mankind.

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