Sunday, February 23, 2025

nanotizing our message

April 25, 2010 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Mark, I have to laugh, every time I think of something or come up with an idea, I see that you have already thought of it or have done it in the next meeting I attend.
Just as I heard about the twelve visions party, I integrated my thoughts about Wide Scope Accounting and preparing Business and science for the coming change. ie: mainly begining to honestly considering all possibilities and doing no harm going foward into the future. I integrated that many in society mistrust bus. and science because of the harm and dishonesty that exists because of government, greed, and what I now call intentional indifference. As I begin to write my book on wide scope accounting, I realised that in order to reach people we must sort of nanotize our message and eliminate trigger words and phrases if we are to reach our most staunch advisaries. AND- Low and behold I discover in your emails, level 4 and 5 meetings that you are already doing this. I will be contacting Ryan in Connecticut and get into one of his meetings, I’d like to get more involved, but it’s difficult, I must spend every moment on my own economic survival right now. I look foward to seeing our society grow. I thank your you for all your dedication and hard work. Love for all conscious life. Carl

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