Sunday, February 23, 2025

Overwelmed yet confused

July 5, 2018 by Mike Sellden  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Mark Hamilton,this meeting was very interesting.However, I am a little confused, in this meeting you talked about how us as apprentices should be involved in clubhouses and so on. I did talk to Steve Fagan and he gaveme a name to call,the person Italk to said there was no clubhouse in my area. So I was wondering, is there a way I can get involved with a clubhouse through video chat ,[ or whatever youcall it] I have tried to communicate with other members on the members only site. Somehow I lost my password but was able to get a new one and in the process the Neothink team verified my username and I was able to get back on to the secret meetings, but when I try to Login to chat on the members only site, it states that there is no valid G-Mail listed under what I put down. However it was accepted for the secret meetings. Not sure what to do!!!

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Hi! My name is Sue.

I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

I am here to assist you with any questions you may have during this level of your journey with Mark Hamilton.

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Thank you,