Tuesday, February 25, 2025


August 10, 2011 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Mark, Thanks for the wisdom and teachings, helped me see things some what clearer. Still alittle stage fright, but nothing that a couple of times and I’m sure a couple of trial and errors won’t cure, LOL,LOL,LOL…I’m pumped right tight I had started a ministry a couple years ago and where I hold services, the owner of the building Tim lets me use the upper room 4 absolutely free, a blessing from GOD, it’s a huge Hall, seats about 80-100 people easy and has sound system,microphone,P.A.,and podium, plus overhead projector and screen, it’s awesome.I want 2 start a club house and partner with you. Also I was just about done when the phone rang it was Richard Mabe from the Business Alliance, I have several hearts desires that I would love 2 have come 2 pass.I just shared the 1st one with him and now you also, which he said you’ll be looking at as well.It’s a really powerful biblical based book I wrote about 3+ years ago now.I also was spoken to directly from GOD himself, a prophetic message, which is labled in 2 sections of the book called Words From The King and It’s All About Jesus…This book is not a long drawn out boring read. It’s action packed straight 2 the Heart, cuts like a sword,wakes u up from the dead,and clears the mental fog from your head.I have even before I started writing the book which by the way is called Power Of Positive Prayer,visioned it 2 b a number 1 Best Seller on the New York Times…I appeciate all you do 4 me Mark I thank you ahead of time you are a blessing in my life and I hope that soon we will meet face 2 face and that we can embrase and hand shake in the flesh.It’s been 3 years of letters and emails and teachings but no real contact.thats gotta change soon.my family as well has been negected Mark so I feel 4 U and Your Loved ones, the balancing act is a tough one 2 follow…Mark another dream I’ve had 4 along time and 4 the last o 4 years or more I have been calling out into existance that I’m going 2 b the President or KING OF KINGS in 2012. Numbers are facts and all the numbers are lining up, the stars and planets are also lining up, and I’m getting letters and calls and e-mails from physics saying that my life is about 2 aquire all my desires and dreams.That I will be moved up into high places were I will be listend 2,respected,honord,ect…Mark, we think so, so much alike it freaks me out buddy.I have been going thru very hard, hard times, but I’ve supported you all the way even when I really couldn’t even support myself, so I was hopeing since we are (MHP)you would c 2 it that I become President in 2012 and together we bring a TRUE and EVERLASTING CHANGE 2 this UNIVERSE and usher in IMMORTALLITY!!! Mark ask me sometime about IMMORTALITY EYE may have the KEY!

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