Monday, February 24, 2025

President of What?

July 29, 2016 by F.W  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Everyone,

I do not touch politics with a ten- foot pole. I register, I vote for the guy, who most meets the ideals of what my family and friends are going through, and I follow the law/pay taxes. That’s it. So, when it comes to the 12 Visions Party, you have my vote but unless we can start really showing my generation what the point is, the apprentice votes may be all we get.

I’m an optimist and a realist. I believe that everything in this Neo— system can work, my concern is will it work quit enough? The video stated circa 2008, so the process is well underway I’m sure. I can also see some of my favorite celebrities and public figures making references to this movement through their art and efforts, so it’s all very exciting, but is it enough?

In my own sphere I’m fighting to integrate and guide and support and love and build and it is an exhilarating and exhausting process all at once. When I hear friends say things like, “I’m not voting, this year” it scares the bigeezus out of me! If the very people with hope and bright futures don’t feel the need to vote, the hopeless most certainly will not. And even though one candidate may buy us a little more time to fix things than the other, how will we get our friends and family to understand and move into the c of u in time or more importantly even be motivated to get involved?

In my other post I referenced that I needed help setting up my “girls night’s” to include integration and with the Lev5 meeting I’m starting to piece some ideas together but the politics are beyond me at this point especially when I can barely grasp how to “bring people in” as it is. Politics can be a very sensitive topic and in the interest of not shorting all my other efforts I think I will postpone this effort until I have a little better guidance.

Anyway, I hope everyone else is seeing all of this as deeply as I am. Keep evolving!

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