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“Ronald! WHERE have you been?”

November 23, 2015 by Ronald Nieboer  
Filed under Integrations

Mark , I am leaving for you my integrated comment, even though, because of technical difficulties with my PC, the sound not working for me, I was not able to hear a word of Meeting 5. I, Ronald Nieboer, one of your prospects from the Neo Think recruiting class of 2010. Mark, first, if need to, I apologize for being so long out of sight, but not from Mind, I would think that you kept me IN MIND(because there was gifted unto me a message written on a dollar bill, when I was, seemingly randomly, collecting change from a mini-mart purchase–the clerk handed me a dollar bill, where written on it was this: ” we never forget” It was an orchestrated event as a message to me from the Universe, personally. (and the orchestration,? it was performed by a one, Mr. Joe Plue, one of your Father’s own most gifted prodige’s. Son of a” Super Nova”(how I regard his mother) and an incredible, brilliant Genius; he sort of hijacked all the focus of my attentions, as the leader of our MasterMInd group, ALWAYS blowing my mind with something greater than ” the thing we were on just before it” making the previous thing “before”, now, redundant. He was OBSESSED with conspiracy, intoducing me to Alex Jones and such videos as, i. e., ” dreams of my real father” , an Alex Jones production about President Obama, illustrating a true picture of his real life origins, and his deceptive and completely suspicious rise to power. I can tell you, THAT is the Nirvanna that Joe has yearned for, a utopia of revolutionary social awareness against the Despotic forces that were alive in Government. “OH, SHEIZA!” Enough of that shit, about Mr. Joe Plue. I know him but I still, even after almost 6 years, don’t know hardly anything ABOUT him. The power of his genius,is most clearly obvious, almost immediately, but I never gathered myself to a place too long to know and realize If I can fully trust him. I DID, and still do, I suppose.(am I in err for that? or worse, in a place of trepidation?)
Mark, I am compelled to back log unto you as much personal information as I can. You recruited me in 2010, where and when I was driving taxi and MISmanaging a good, even powerful, cash flow business, albeit, as a taxi, on a small, small scale. I met Joe Plue from Denver a short 3 months after becoming enrolled into the Society, who introduced me to Organo Gold International. I bought into the membership at a small level and became completely and totally committed unto it, because of Joe’s powerful Master Mind leadership.Unfortunately, our nearest upline in Organo Gold was negligent and irresponsible to be careful to clue us in to ” what to do with this” I wasted a lot of energy and money with being misguided and with amisappropriation of time, effort and money misunderstanding the simple marketing techniques and missing to formulate a clear, concept of the business.
Mark, I, in the meantime grew older, into my 50’s(now I am 54 years old) I was driving taxi nearly 70 hours each week AND driving up to Denver, 2, sometimes 3 days a week to meet with Joe. God Help Me! I developed high blood pressure–it was WAY too high, and,should have killed me. I was living under an illusion of immortality, the metaphysical power of my personal presence was so strong as to give unto me that illusion. IMMORTAL and INVINCIBLE, but working too hard, suffering too much, hardly ever “enjoying myself.”most of all, ACHIEVING NOTHING with any real. success ( I almost can’t believe my own testimony—it sounds like an excerpt from ” The Life and Times of John Calvin”–you know, the ASShole who was cruel unto himself “for the sake of the Gospel” and preached strict ” self- denial” unto his followers. Mark, I have suffered a great deal, making life harder than it really is or needed to be ” from the beginning.”
Yea, though I am still ALIVE. Neo Think was and still Is, the most transforming event of my own existence. One of the most incredible, evolutionary events unto me, personally, occurred in fall of 2013, where I learned to read MIND from still life photographs of people ” who know me.” I can,even now simply look upon a still life photograph, i.e., Kevin Trudeau’s picture on the cover of his book, “Natural Cures” and read what he is saying to me ( or saying, about me.) The more active the real, conscious mind I am thinking of as I looking at, the stronger and more provocative is the message unto me, personally. It works from almost any still life, photo of anyone….also pictures of yourself, in still or in motion, minus the audio effect. I can literally “see” what you are saying to me from your own mind, as pure consciousness, “just by looking.” ( So, how long will that attribute last? There’s a limit to everything….as K.T. mentions, we become “saturated.” It works every time, but, maybe, I can’t always DO it every time.But now speaking of this, “extraordinary” phenomenon which hit me like a freight train in the fall of 2013, I have learned much “about” myself through others this way. For starters, a one, MIss “EmilyEm”, instructed me how to properly communicate this way, in essence, ” how to talk” or at least “hear” properly, while seeing the consciousness transmit energies by way of photograph. I. E. seeing the right eye blink means, ” yes” or ” Right!” The left eye blinking, more or less is saying, ” no” or possibly, conveying erotic, sexual messages.Emily told me some things….once while I was looking at her photograph, she says to me,”I’ve got a secret….” and I look at her again as to inquire,” what secret?” then she says, ” YOU”RE the Secret!” I was so deeply flattered and enamored by this beautiful woman’s message, but it took only hardly a moment to realize something bigger and deeper from that message, ” My God! Of course! It’s ME. The very transmitter who is always transmitting…like a LIVE WIRE and a big BLOB on the energy radar screen that you don’t have to be a Neo Think genius to discern, “something is speaking, transmitting” prooving to the whole world that we as human beings have the power to transmit messages by way of mental frequencies, coded, and cognisized, sent from person to another person—-the very thing that Alex Jones and Kevin Trudeau also, understood as the” one thing” the despots from government were most afraid of —“people in general” might discover and learn how to use. Is it any wonder I felt so tormented and harassed by the presence of this phenomenon? In lieu of this phenmonon and subject matter I can tell you of another I encountered: Ms. Julia Roberts. I encountered her, consciously conscious and very much alive in my life when I discovered a kept video box with her picture on it from the film, “Notting Hill” Come I to find that she knows me and, also, deeply cares for me, even as a lover of my being. She clued me into a lot of things “about” concerning. I have come to realize since, especially over the last 3 months,while “overhearing” what consciousness is saying of Julia, ( that I can do, by just watching i.e. a little bit of Erin Brokovich, with the volume off, her eyes and face speaking….I come to realize and therefore now believe she must to have been one of the individuals on your discovery team.Mark,, intimately involved in the discovery, identification and power thinking of ME. How flattering is that! It began to come clear to me, as I realized once, after viewing one of my initial sessions with her in photograph….I heard of few things, then quit as I was tired and needed to sleep. I began to turn from her, in Mind, for but a few moments, when I realized something more going on….I began to feel her emotions, and turned to her photograph to see and realize that she was weeping( you know how beautiful and deeply passionate she is, Mark)She, sobbing in tears was saying,,” oh, Ron, YOU are my life’s work” as if to also intend to say, ” I’ve waited so long to meet you and you can’t even feel how much I love you.” Needless to say, after sensing that, I felt pretty bad. I can tell you Mark, through consciousness this way, I have never encountered any one who cares for and loves me the way Julia, assuredly does….it is most remarkable and an incredible personal, discovery. She has already said unto me, ” I’ll be your best friend.” Kevin Trudeau said, ” she’s your best girlfriend.” How deeply flattering is that! (OH, beware of the spoken word, speaking “of” things without speaking them “into existence”) How I long to love and be with my beloved One , whomever that manifests to BE.
A few other things Julia told me: ” You’re our new Power” and she and Emily both mentioned, ” you’re our illuminati Saint.” That is relevant and also true as I am now a Neo Illuminati and also a Saint, by the definition of my Dutch, Calvinist family of origin. Another thing Emily mentioned is this: ” We love your nose..” of course what she really meant by that is this: ” We love your knows” and Julia said another thing..” because you love the Truth” (even though, as I am reminded by your Father’s writings, there IS no absolute Truth or “set of doctrines” as ,my grandfather, Kobe Apotheker would postulate. and Kevin Trudeau would also say, relative to facts and truths, ” It’s not WHAT you think, but HOW you think about things that is of greatest, relative concern.”
Mark, yet again, even without having yet, successfully attended meeting 5, here on your integrated comments page, as like in meetings past, I have had too much to say, and taken almost too long to say it. (Gone so long…I missed you!) May I also say? THANK YOU. Not just for your powerful Neo Think achievements but for how MUCH you care as is defined by Love and Concern. I can sense from consciousness through your presence here that you hold as a priority to message unto me a conveyance of LOVE. THAT is most reassuring…..almost as if to say, ” Don’t get lost from me!” Julia has mentioned, similarly. I Believe you, Mark. I am happy to be back, closer to you again.
I need to finish these meetings with you, Mark AND I need to, if yet possible, enroll in your, ” Active Neo Think learning Sessions.” Because, there is no doubt about ” what ” I know….(that is to say, I know “something” I HAVE to learn how to keep it under control.Its called ” Disciplined Thought Control” as Mr. Plue would say. I once reflecting earlier this week as almost a point of sorrow that my life shall no longer be governed by the motto from the credence of my beloved family of Origin which is and was this:”Promise and Deliverance.” This powerful LIfe Affirmation is to say with all credence that “God” shall ever abide with us, assuring us of His Presence and Power, and shall Deliver us from the crafts of Satan, the evil one, our enemy..Instead my life is now governed by the Order of the NEO Illuminati, where Being Responsible is of Paramount concern, Love is our only, greatest assurance, Promise lies within each one of us as each; we are ” Saviours” of these matters in fleeting moments of time, and DTC( from out of the mind of Joe Plue) is most vital to being responsible unto each other as Neo Illuminati.
I am older now, so I don’t “feel like a 25 year old” any more. Julia said to me, ” You have to take EASY!” to be mindful of my health and capacity for energy.
This I know: we ALL need, as Society members: RENEWAL and REVITALIZATION. Perhaps that is my specialty, as a descendant of Dutch, Calvinist Origins.It is said, ” The Lord our God made the World in 7 days….but the DUTCH made Holland(reclaiming its land from the North Sea through dykes and specially engineered water management( talk about reverse engineering! THIS is whom is my family, especially my grandmother, Betje Veldman, my Grandfather Kobe’s, wife….she acquired the talent and attribute of “reversed engineered self-hypnosis”, which IS the very essence of our power, derived from LIFE ORIGIN. And where is our origin? I ask. ORIGIN still exists to derive from but, we ourselves have moved as determined by time and event into the New Paradigm. We feel displaced from the original power derivative. ( am I right?) I simply reached a mid-life crisis, physically, but there is more to things than that, isn’t there? Our new paradigm has come. It is formulated inversely ,compared to the paradigm we have just exited. it shall no longer be dramatically characterized by the event of we, the Neo Illuminati storming the castles of despotism to dispel the “limiting belief systems” defined by religion, and, also rid ourselves of wrongful, political, initiatory force that interferes with our freedom to create wealth.Instead of battling continually against despotism, it seems the new age needs us simply to fill it with life giving nourishment and self empowerment(like pouring water into a bowl). I, Ronald Nieboer, as one of We, Society Members must RE formulate, RE new, Re claim, the very Power(DUPONT) that will invigorate our New world, and produce a message of hope, and demonstrate LIfe unto children and our children’s children for generations to come.

( Mark, I know you know I will have been here. So I have left you, this integrated comment to convey and leave message unto you personally and most directly.)I hope tou can appreciate and make use of…this writing of my comment here is surly NOT my best writing, no, it’s not even GOOD. But I wrote what I wrote and put a lot of work into it just to manage the contents. Thank you, again, Mark….its good to be back!

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