Thursday, February 27, 2025

somebody must do something mylevel05 integration

November 3, 2013 by tdomf_4411f  
Filed under Integrations

somebody must do something mylevel05 integration

the use of multi level marketing Amway style techniques to indoctrinate the world populous into an Aristotle like Neothinking system may well be noble and good and i even support it.
i support it because as the saying goes somebody must do something.
this can work.

i would much prefer to drop a website name where a prospective could got and be drawn in to the system in that manner.
i will direct prospective to the website and tell them to subscribe. or i will map out for them specifics of the site for them to visit and decide.
i am one who will always seek the easy way of things.
that is who i am and i cannot change regarding this.
only if all else fails will i choose the hard way.
this is who i am.

my parents did me wrong by choosing each other for companionship and procreating.
by my understanding of cosmic law it would be very wrong of me to suicide myself in an effort to correct their wrong.
i believe cosmic law expects me to play out this life as limited as it is.
at a certain level i am not nearly as limited.
further i believe the planet is way over populated.
the mark hamilton application may well be what is needed for mankind to get this thing right.

evidence suggests even the evidence at covering up the evidence suggests that there are indeed extra terrestrials and extra dimensionals and they have been part of our existence for sometime now.
it is important that mankind be united enough to deal with this important reality.

i am a secretive individual with a few irresolvable issues in life that is irresolvable until the reality of biological immortality occurs.
at that point my particular life issue can be resolved by transferring my consciousness into a more perfect clone body.
i like money and i want to be rich and the vehicles i am using now have not been total disasters just somewhat hit or miss.
the idea of multi level marketing Amway style indoctrinations to an Aristotle like neo-thinking system though workable is not a vehicle i would choose for making myself rich.

i want to mention
i have been acquainted with neothinking since its first appearance.
i’ve purchased just about every book that was offered me and read them.
i am forever soft towards neothinking.
one of the ways i was helped when reading the literature was realizing the existence of the existence field.
my laboratory demonstrations of this field is expressed daily in my MP my morning meditative session.
the MP is a compilation of techniques pulled from some of the best religions mystical organizations and philosophies on this planet.
the main purpose of my MP is to establish and maintain a link or pathway to my higher self.
daily i experience influencing the existence field.
daily i experience being part of this field.
daily i am tuned and honed to a more perfect state of mind than i was just moments before.

looking forward to level06meeting

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